Here is a list of videos of recent class lessons. We will provide the lesson date and a brief description of the lesson. Please tell a friend to watch!
Index: Please scroll down to see these sections and highlights:
1. Lesson series on prayer
2. Summary of a Christian life (giving to the church)
3. A short quiz!
4. Lesson series on Genesis
5.Lesson on Ruth
6. Back to lesson series on Genesis
7. Special Christmas music
8. Lesson series on the history of Christmas
9. Special video Dr. Steve Wende retirement announcement
10. Fun at the Adelphi Christmas party!
11. A review of Allen's Christmas lessons, part 1
May 31, 2015- Twelve minute Sample for you.
This is a 12 minute excerpt from Allen's lesson on "Prayer".
1. Lesson series on prayer
June 7, 2015
This is a 32 minute "full lesson". Allen's focus today is the Lord's Prayer.
June 14, 2015
This is a 36 minute lesson on "smaller prayers", which includes the Old and New Testament, plus the writings of C.S. Lewis.
June 21, 2015
Lesson: Different types of prayer
Using the story of Elisha's healing, plus Ephesians and Psalms AND, a line-by-line explanation of Psalm 23!
June 28, 2015
Lesson: Prayer that causes us to fall back in the arms of God. A journey in prayer includes struggles. Today we will talk about relinquishment, and The lesson of the Garden of Gethsemane. Also learning the practice of prayer.
July 5, 2015
Lesson: Covenant prayer (a desire to know the whole will of God)
Means the participant has a commitment and responsibility.
We need: time to pray - a place to pray- "heart preparation"
(Disclaimer: The Power Point presentation was not connected
until about 4 minutes into the lesson, but we left Allen's introduction
in because he is so funny).
July 12, 2015
Lesson: Prayer of "Examen" (First Allen reviews Simple prayer and prayer of the Foresaken). Examen is prayer that helps measure. Allen includes quotes from Beverly Sills, Benjamin Franklin and others. Examen has Consciousness on one side and Conscience on the other side.
July 19, 2015
Lesson: Intercessory Prayer (prayer for others) Allen used a book by Richard Foster, and then referred to the Old Testament and the New Testament. Also mentions Scottish theologian J T Forsyth. Intercessory prayer requires a "need".
July 26, 2015
Lesson: Intercessory Prayer for friends(s), justice, peace, the poor and neglected. Also, how prayer can change your life.
August 9, 2015
Lesson: Prayer for healing. Allen references Foster. There are different results. You can't predict a person's response to your prayer. Listen. Ask. Believe. Give thanks. BUT, don't just pray once and go home ... you should pray until the situation is resolved. Also, when you ask how someone is doing, do you really want to know? Do you know what to do? Allen tells us the number of times "the laying on of hands" is mentioned in the Bible.
August 16, 2015
Lesson: Allen reviews Prayer for gratitude and thanks. Then, he begins a study of Authoritative prayer, which should be at least two people. However, Jesus by himself gave many authoritative prayers, or commands. Allen also uses the Old Testament, then reviews the rise of Israel's prominence. Allen lists the twelve tribes of Israel and the gods that were worshiped at that time.
2. Special lesson, Summary of a Christian life (giving to the Church)
August 23, 2015
Lesson: Guest speaker, Rev. Mark Woodward. Mark talks about the "summary of a Christian life" and the importance having a will, and a medical directive, among other plans and preparations we can do. Mark teaches that being a good Christian is NOT about doing one big thing, rather doing a series of small things throughout your life. He answers several questions from the class. Allen closes by telling the difference between giving directly to the church versus giving to the foundation.
3. A short quiz!
August 30, 2015
Lesson: "A short quiz" Well, Allen has been threatening a quiz, and here it is!
You will learn a lot, and probably some things you didn't know! Allen discusses how the Old Testament has a bearing on the New Testament.
4. Lesson series on Genesis
September 6, 2015
Lesson: " A close look at Genesis" part 1The Hebrew people where struggling with the name of God. They had several names used to describe God. Allen discusses the multiple translations of various Hebrew words, such as "wind", and "day". With four definitions of "day", Allen discusses possibilities of the actual length of six days for creation.
Allen says some scholars say the 2nd chapter of Genesis is a "second" creation. Allen feels that chapter 2 is a continuation of the description of the sixth day.
Allen mentions the first of eight covenants, and closes the lesson by answering several questions.
September 13, 2015
Lesson: " A close look at Genesis" part 2 Allen mentions how the Hebrews worshipped an "Invisible God". He lists 8 creative acts in 6 days. Allen reviews his thought that Chapter 2 includes a more detailed look at the 6th day. Chapter 2 also outlines the creation of the Sabbath day. What does Eden mean? The Covenants are unilateral actions of God.
September 20, 2015
Lesson: " A close look at Genesis" part 3
Creation is not static. It is not finished. (This gives humans a key role.) After Adam and Eve leave the Garden of Eden, they are NOT entering a world "devoid of life", rather they are leaving paradise. However, while in the Garden, man is first introduced to the concept of law. Regarding the snake, Allen says that sometimes evil comes as a disguise of being something reasonable. Allen's research indicates the serpent is a "metaphor" for anything that can seduce humans away from God. However, the Hebrew word for serpent, has THREE meanings! We also see that even though God "punishes" Adam and Eve, He is a forgiving God. The writer(s) of Genesis interchange the Hebrew word they use to say God (Jehovah and Elohim). Allen suggests there was a civilization OUTSIDE of the Garden of Eden.
September 27, 2015
Lesson: " A close look at Genesis" part 4
Even though God kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden, He still communicated with them. Perhaps the limitations placed on people are forerunners of "The Law". As we look at chapter 4, Allen inserts into the text "YHWH" for the Hebrew word Lord, and "ELOHIM", for the Hebrew word God. Also, this the first time "sin" is mentioned in the Bible. The idea of vengeance is born. The story of Noah shows that God can regret (as well as providing sustenance). Allen teaches about several parts of the text that suggest there is more than one author of Genesis.
October 4, 2015
Lesson: " A close look at Genesis" part 5
Allen mentions the Nephilim people who were largely ignored until recent archeology findings. He discusses God's final instructions to Noah. Allen digresses to discuss the development of Roman, Egyptian and Hebrew cultures.
October 11, 2015
Lesson: " A close look at Genesis" part 6
Does Christianity have a monopoly on religious thought? Allen returns to the story of Noah and how his son Canaan was different. Allen discusses the Tower of Babel and shows how paintings from the 1500s allowed the artist to put their own "interpretation" on the Biblical story. He does a review of the book of Genesis. Then Allen asks, "Was Abraham ever in Ur? Was Abraham a nomad or a city dweller?"
October 18, 2015
Lesson: " A close look at Genesis" part 7
Allen notes that when an important event occurs, sometimes the person's name is changed. (Sarai to Sarah, for example). Allen discusses the separation of Abram and Lot. This chapter is NOT about a small group, rather a migration. Sarah finds out she is to have a child even though she is old. Allen reviews the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Allen observes that the writer sometimes "assumes" that the same facts exist even though the actual date of the story is hundreds of years in the past. Allen mentions the origin of the Moabites and Ammonites. How is the God of the Old Testament related to the God of the New Testament?
October 25, 2015
Lesson: " A close look at Genesis" part 8
Allen reviews Lot's daughters "laying" with him. The resulting children formed the origin of the Moabites and the Ammonites. In chapter 15 and 17 God mentions his covenant with Abram. Chapter 16 tells the story of Abram producing an heir with Hagar, the slave of Abram and Sarai. Hagar's son was called Ishmael. Chapter 17 shows the convent between God and Abram and the significant name changes- Abram to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah. God tells Abraham that he and Sarah will have a son to be named Isaac. We see a preview of communion and of tithing.
Adelphi Lesson Nov 1 2015
Genesis "A close look" part 9
Allen reviews the custom in which a slave girl can produce a family heir if the wife is barren. When Abram is 99 years old, God changes the covenant. Allen explains that every time there is a "redefinition" of a person, there is a renaming of the person (i.e. Sarai to Sarah). Allen adds a reference from Jeremiah 34. Allen shows maps of the amount of land promised to the Jews by God. Next, Allen explains the interaction with Abimelech. Abraham and Abimelech (now a Philistine) make a covenant. Allen discusses Abraham sacrificing Isaac. After this event (a test), Abraham never spoke to God again. The class has several comments about the lesson.
5.Lesson on Ruth
Adelphi Lesson Nov 8 2015 Ruth, as it relates to Genesis
Allen begins by mentioning that some scholars believe at least FOUR authors wrote the first five books of the Bible. Allen switches his teaching to Ruth. Ruth is identified with Pentecost. Allen explains Ruth's journey after becoming a widow.
6. Back to lesson series on Genesis
Adelphi Lesson Nov 15 2015
Back to Genesis "A close look" part 10
After last week's diversion to discuss Ruth, Allen gets back to Genesis. Allen discusses the sacrifice of Isaac, and then addresses the authorship of Genesis. Allen gives us 15 points about the actual history related to the writing of the Bible. Allen returns to Genesis and Sarah's death. Allen talks about "the humanity" of Abraham.
Adelphi Lesson Nov 22 2015 Genesis "A close look" part 11
Allen notes that Abraham and his people were NOT looking at the same God. Allen continues with an introduction of Rebekah. Rebekah travels to meet Isaac. Allen shows photographs of how archeologists verify the stories in Genesis. There are 5,000 archeological sites in Israel and Jordan, and 6,500 sites in Iraq. Allen discusses several Pharaohs and the use of Papyrus, which goes back at least 6,000 years. Parchment was popularized when Alexandria stopped sales of Papyrus to Pergamum. (However, parchment had already been in use for hundreds of years.) Writings could also be found on gold, silver and bronze. The original "diploma" was a retirement document on bronze which was given to retired Roman soldiers. Allen also mentions writing on clay tablets. Allen finishes with a description of Dr. Bill Hinson's Easter service that was broadcast nationwide on ABC network.
7. Special Christmas music
Adelphi Special Music Nov 29 2015
Here is a short performance by Adelphi members Don and Sally Cassling.
8. Lesson series on the history of Christmas
Adelphi lesson Dec 6, 2015 It's About Time, part 2
Allen begins at 164 BC. The Maccabees vs the Greeks are mentioned. Also, Antiochus the great. Next, he discusses the Pharisees (who liked the Greek way) vs the Sadducees (who liked the traditional way). This led to a mediation which led to Herod being in charge which led to the census mentioned in the Bible. Next, who was Quirinius? Allen focuses on only one of three census dates mentioned by Augustus. Allen says that Pontus Pilot was in power for ten years instead of the normal two years. Allen discusses the December 25th date of Jesus' birth.
9. Special video Dr. Steve Wende retirement announcement
Special video Dec. 6, 2015
Here is a video of Dr. Steve Wende announcing his retirement from FUMC.
Back to the series on the history of Christmas
Adelphi lesson Dec 13, 2015 It's About Time, part 3 - Mary and Joseph's Journey
Allen begins with slides of drawings and statues related to the December 25 date of the birth of Jesus. Allen switches to a discussion of the Journey of Mary and Joseph. There are 42 generations between Abraham and Joseph. Allen reviews the "strange" rules governing marriage in Jesus' day. When Mary became pregnant, Joseph had three options . . .
Next Allen discusses the birth of John the Baptist and the virgin birth. Allen shows maps and photos of the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem (They would have by passed Samaria, which means the journey was longer and much more strenuous).
Adelphi lesson Dec 20, 2015. It's About Time, part 4 -The Nativity Star
Allen reviews the journey of Joseph and Mary, using maps and photos of the Biblical area. Allen now discusses King Herod, the Wise Men, and details about the Nativity star. The three Magi would have had a group of up to 200 members including numerous body guards. The Nativity star would have moved into the constellation Pisces. Allen gives other references including Josephus and Exegeses. Next, Allen gives facts about the Holy family's escape to Egypt and their return to Israel (Galilee). There was a "Triple Conjunction " of stars in 7 BC. Allen talks about the number of siblings in Jesus' family.
10. Fun videos at the Adelphi Christmas party!
1st. Day 1 to 5, singing the "Twelve Days of Christmas"
2nd, Day 1 to 8, Are we getting better, yet?
3rd, ALL Twelve days of the song. Look for yourself and other class members!
11. A review of Christmas
Adelphi Dec 27, 2015 Christmas - a summary.
Allen gives the opening prayer as a close to the year.
Allen's lesson is a review of his history of Christmas, using the Old and New Testaments. Allen reminds us of some verses that are not "normally" read during the Christmas season. The story of the prophet Daniel can go back as far as 1360 BC. (Several sources do not think Daniel was a prophet). Next, Allen reviews "Time", and several events and groups that led to Christmas. Quirinius led three different census. There is a fascinating sequence of events and rulers and governance that leads to the birth of Jesus. When WAS Jesus born? Allen reviews the rules governing marriage in Jesus' day. How about the effect of the Dream on Joseph? Did Joseph and Mary travel in a straight line from Nazareth to Bethlehem? Allen shows photos of the night sky and the location of the star.
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