Dr. Brant Wallace is teaching about 3 Sundays per month; Dr. Jim Hamilton is teaching about 1 Sunday per month.
1. January, 2020 Dr. Brant Wallace, Genesis
2. February, 2020 Dr. Jim Hamilton, Psalms
3. June, 2020 Dr. Brant Wallace, The Parables
Downloads available! Please scan below to see pdf and/or Power Point files of some of the Adelphi lessons.
Adelphi Class 1 5 20
Dr. Brant Wallace - Genesis
Kathie Hughes gives the opening prayer. https://vimeo.com/382929618
What does “Genesis” mean in both Hebrew and Greek? What does “Pentateuch” mean? Brant reads the text. How is Genesis written? Allegory? The inspired Word of God? What do you think? What does Adam mean in Hebrew? Brant answers the question: “Is Genesis 1:1-9 true?” Brant continues, reading the scripture line by line. Brant has more comments and then finishes reading Chapter 1. https://vimeo.com/382929684
BONUS! Since the video projector did not work this week, we have the video part of Brant's lesson available as a download.
Download the Genesis (Chapter 1) written lesson presentation here
Genesis (pdf)
DownloadAdelphi Class 1 12 20
Dr. Brant Wallace, Genesis 2
Jane Thompson leads the opening hymn. https://vimeo.com/384365862
Charles Pehl gives the opening prayer. https://vimeo.com/384365923
“Creation and Temple”. What does this mean? Next, Brant shares an outline of Genesis. Brant shows side-by-side verses which demonstrate some parallels with Genesis and Exodus. What is our purpose? Next, we read Genesis 2. What about the Sabbath? Next, comparisons between Genesis 1 and 2. Why did God create man last? Next, comments about the Garden of Eden. What is the parallel between Adam’s rib and Jesus’ crucifixion? What is the “take away” from Chapter 2? https://vimeo.com/384366004
Adelphi Class 1 20 2020
Dr. Brant Wallace, Genesis, continued
Brant continues his lesson in Genesis, chapter 3 and 4. Brant uses charts and the scripture to compare Adam and Eve's sin and Cain's sin. https://vimeo.com/386392124
Adelphi Class 1 25 2020
Dr. Brant Wallace, Genesis continued
Jane Thompson leads the opening hymn. https://vimeo.com/387302306
Sally Plaisance gives the opening prayer. https://vimeo.com/387302373
Why did Adam hide from God? What were the consequences for Adam and Eve? Next, parallels between chapters 3 and 4. Now, lessons from The Fall. Next, Brant shares Genesis 4:1-7 Brant explains why the Hebrew text gave a more clear understanding than the English translation. Brant adds that problems between God and man are because of man and NOT God. Next, more about Cain and Abel. Next, more parallels between chapters 3 and 4. Cain had a big lineage because... God did not hold a grudge. Next comments about Free Will. https://vimeo.com/387302470
Adelphi class 2 2 2020
Dr. Jim Hamilton, Psalm 130 (Hope)
Carroll Cantrell plays the piano before class. https://vimeo.com/388895250
Jane Thompson leads the opening hymn. https://vimeo.com/388847777
Margaret Lam gives the opening prayer. https://vimeo.com/388847937
This another Psalm of Ascent. Jim shows his chart listing the various types of Psalms. We read Psalm 130 together. This Psalm is about waiting and trust and hope. What happens when the bottom falls out of your life? Jim has an explanation of each verse. Verse 4 talks about forgiveness (God forgives US). What does Hebrews say about God’s forgiveness? In verse 5, we learn to “Wait for the Lord expectantly”. Next, more about hope. What about unfailing love and full redemption? Next, a verse from Psalm 103 (No sin left behind). Next, Jim’s conclusion. What is the Christian message? You’ll want to read this slide. Jim closes with a prayer for the class. https://vimeo.com/388848304
Adelphi class 2 9 2020
Dr. Brant Wallace, Genesis, chapter 5 and 6
Jane Thompson leads the opening hymn. https://vimeo.com/390345257
Richard Cardenas gives the opening prayer. https://vimeo.com/390345350
Brant shows a chart of Genesis 4, 5 and 6. Who was Seth? Brant suggests that we read the end of Exodus to learn more about sacrifice. What about Enoch and Enosh? Brant compares the line of Cain and the line of Seth. Brant reads Genesis 5:1-2. Why is it important for a man to name his son? Next, we read more verses. A class member asks if a year was the same amount of time then as now. What do you think? Brant asks, “Why was the number seven important in the Bible”? Next, chapter 6 (the flood). Why are the “ten generations” important? Why does the length of man’s life decrease? Who were the Nephilim? (Here is a Bible study link: https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/nephilim/) Why did God decide to “blot out man”? Is the Ark related to Christ? https://vimeo.com/390345464
Adelphi Class 2/16/20
Dr. Brant Wallace, Genesis, continued
Kathie Hughes gives the opening prayer. https://vimeo.com/391879141
Brant continues in chapter 6. More about the flood. Brant reminds us that Genesis is a written account of an oral tradition. Also, many historical traditions of the civilizations of that time period have an account of a flood in their writings. We hear some comments from class members. Brant shows a picture of what the Ark may have looked like. How would Noah have been received by his community? Next a chart comparing the parallel between the Ark and Christ. Next, chapter 7. From where did the flood waters come? Brant shares some “Universal Language” from chapter 7. Next, a chart comparing a Universal and a Local flood. Next, chapter 8: what happened after the flood? Next, chapter 9. What does “Be fruitful and multiply” mean? Next, what happened after Noah got drunk? Now a comparison between Adam and Noah. What is the moral for us? https://vimeo.com/391879558
Adelphi Class 2 23 2020
Dr. Jim Hamilton, Psalm 131
Jane Thompson leads the opening hymn. https://vimeo.com/393292699
Ben Brumlow gives the opening prayer. https://vimeo.com/393292783
Jim shows his chart listing the groups of Psalms. This is another Psalm of Ascent. We read verses 1-3. What are the keys of these three verses?
1) Practice humility.
Do not be proud in our heart. Jim gives us some examples.
Do not be proud in our attitude towards others. Is a proud person ever content?
Do not feel that we have to know or understand it all. What about our desire to be important?
Be still before the Lord. What does “calmed” mean in this verse?
2) Quiet your soul.
Jim shares some verses from Matthew.
Rest like a weaned child with a mother. Why are the lines repeated?
Now verses from Proverbs.
3) Live in hope - Put your hope in the Lord. David closes with a prayer for Israel. Next, a reference to Psalm 121 and 125.
Now, thoughts from Samuel Cox (1826-1893).
Jim shares his conclusion. What is this simple and profound truth?
Jim gives a prayer for the class. https://vimeo.com/393292865
Adelphi Class 3 1 2020
Dr. Brant Wallace. Genesis 10-11
Jane Thompson leads the opening hymn. https://vimeo.com/394790558
Randy Houston gives the opening prayer. https://vimeo.com/394790643
Brant says Genesis is about the history of man. Brant shows a chart of the difference between chapter 10 and 11. Next, we see a map of the areas of Japheth, Shem and Ham. Where did they migrate? Why is this important historically and Biblically? Next, Cush and his son Nimrod. Shem’s lineage creates Israel; Nimrod’s lineage creates Babylon. A class member has a comment. What is the purpose of the Babel story? (There are several.) What is a “Ziggurt”? Brant has a current photo of a Ziggurt. More from chapter 11 about Babel. Next, lists of major language groupings. In which group is English? Next, charts about Babel, Abraham and Jesus. Also, charts about the generational lineage from both Genesis 5 and 11. What are the similarities and differences? Next, a list of key verses. https://vimeo.com/394790718
Adelphi Class 3 8 20
Dr. Brant Wallace, Genesis 12-14
Jane Thompson leads the opening hymn. https://vimeo.com/396296418
Margaret Lam gives the opening prayer. https://vimeo.com/396296503
How old was Abram when he started his ministry? Brant shows a chart comparing chapters 1-11 and 12-50. Which section was about “Events”? “People”? Next, a generational flow chart. How was Lot related to Abram? Next, a map of Abram’s travels. The class has several comments. Next Abram and Sarai (and Pharaoh). Next, a chart comparing Abram and Israel in Egypt. Next, chapter 13 (Abram leaves Egypt). Now, Abram and Lot part ways. Abram settled in Canaan, Lot settled in Sodom. Next, chapter 14 (a battle in Siddim - the attack on Sodom). Next, a chart comparing Bera (King is Sodom) and Melchizedek (King of Salem). Which city was sinful? Peaceful? Abraham was Called, Consecrated and Confirmed... all after the age of 75! https://vimeo.com/396296626
Update, March 2020
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the downtown church (and Sunday school classes) will be closed for several weeks. We will post notes from the online Zoom lessons as we are able. Thank you for your support during this time!
Adelphi class 4 5 2020
Dr. Brant Wallace, Genesis 18-19
Right now we are using the Zoom conference call system to present the lesson, so there is no recording for the web site archives. If you didn't see Brant's lesson, please read Genesis 18 and 19 (only about 4 pages) first.
(We are hoping that Billie Strickland uses a camera phone next time, so we'll know what she looks like on Sunday morning! - just kidding, but it was great to see 20+ members on the video)!
This is “post covenant “ (post circumcision). Brant splits chapter 18 into two parts. Three visitors and Abraham’s intercession. Brant reads chapter 18. Why did Abraham bow down? How does this relate to communion? Next, the prediction of Sarah having a child. “Is anything too difficult for the Lord?” Do you have doubts right now? Next, the story of Sodom. God reaffirms his promise to make Abraham a great nation. Next, Abraham has a conversation with God about the righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah. Next, we compare chapters 18 and 19. (Chapter 18 is about Abraham, chapter 19 is about Lot). Recall, Lot is Abraham’s nephew. Brant shows a comparison chart. Next, we read chapter 19. Why does Lot also bow down (as Abraham did)? Next, what did some of the local men want to do to Lot’s visitors? How did Lot respond? As the two men (Angels) talk about saving Lot, this is similar to a story in Joshua. Next, the destruction of Sodom and and Gomorrah. How does this relate to Jesus? Donnie Martin mentions a YouTube video about the geology of Sodom and Gomorrah. Brant reminds us of the difference between horizontal (doesn’t change) and vertical (does change) relationships.
Here is the video mentioned by Donnie Martin:
This 8 minute video features Biblical Archaeologist Jim Wyatt, who shows related scriptures and video of the area. You'll see modern spectra-chemical analysis of geological material found in the area, and video of ancient ruins in the area. Thanks, Donnie!
Virtual members: About 22 members + teacher Dr. Brant Wallace
Adelphi Class 4-12-2020
Dr. Brant Wallace Genesis 21-22
Brant starts with an Easter message of hope.
Brant shows a map of Abraham’s land. We review chapter 20. What does this have to do with Easter? Next we read chapter 21. (Sarah has a son, Isaac). Next, a flow chart of Abraham’s lineage with Sarah and Hagar. (Isaac & Ishmael - there is a division). Next chapter 22 - God tests Abraham. What would your answer be? Are there similarities between Isaac and Jesus? Brant shows a graphic comparing Isaac and Jesus. Next the Angel of the Lord stops Abraham from sacrificing his son. Abraham sacrificed everything for God. Jesus sacrificed everything for us. What do you have to be thankful for this Easter? The class offers some comments.
Adelphi Class 4 19 20
Dr. Brant Wallace. Genesis 23-25
Sandi Miller does the opening prayer.
Brant shifts away from Abraham and into Isaac and Rebekah. Brant references the stories of creation up to building the nation of Israel. The people are dispersed but not destroyed.
Since Isaac is not married, how does the lineage continue? Answer, his cousin Rebekah. Brant shows several important Biblical encounters that happened at a well.
(Rebekah - hears about her husband, Jacob - meets Rachel, Moses- meets Zipporah, Ruth- meets Boaz and Jesus- meets a Samaritan Woman).
What comes to mind when you think of Jacob? — hint - his name means “mischievous one”. Next a review of the lineage. We note that though these trials, “God prevails”. Jacob and Esau struggle over their inheritance. What about Freedom vs. Destiny? Who else in Genesis was a hunter like Esau? Answer: Ishmael. Because his is starving, Esau “sells” his inheritance to Jacob for a meal.
Would you sell your inheritance in Christ?
Next, chapter 26. God tells Isaac not to go to Egypt. Why? Next a chart about Isaac’s behavior and God’s responses. Next, Esau marries outside of the family of Abraham, Jacob marries within the lineage. Thus, two different nations are formed. Next chapter 27. Rebekah and Jacob trick Isaac. Next, a chart comparing Jacob and Jesus. Brant’s takeaway: God’s purposes will prevail.
Adelphi Class 4 26 2020
Dr. Brant Wallace, Genesis 27-29
Brant reminds about the relationships in Genesis (God with us, and us with each other). Rebekah tells Jacob to flee. Next, Brant adds to the “family tree” (this will lead to the twelve tribes). Now chapter 28. Isaac tells Jacob “not to take a wife from Canaan.” Was Esau being rebellious, or submissive to Isaac? Next, the Tower of Babel, and Jacob’s ladder - the Angels were ascending and descending on this ladder. How does the ladder relate to Christ? (Answer - Keeping promises).
The promise
•I am the Lord
•I will give the land
•Your descendants will be many
•The families of the earth will be blessed
•I am with you
Next, a comparison and progression of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (The only thing that changes is WHO God is taking to). Next, Isaac was told to stay; Jacob was told to go. The class has some comments and questions.
Next, Jacob names a city, “Bethel”. Jacob travels from Beersheba to Haran (South to North). Next, Jacob meets Rachel. Brant reviews a number of Biblical meetings at a well.
1) God is faithful and fulfills his promises
2) We are forgiven by Grace
3) The Holy Spirit moves through us to fulfill Gods promises.
Adelphi Class 5 3 20
Dr. Brant Wallace Genesis 29-31
Brant reviews his comments about Jacob and Rachel plus their meeting at a well. In those days wells were important meeting places.
Brant shows the (expanding) genealogy from Genesis. While Jacob was a “trickster” he met his match in Laban. Why was there not a dowry in this situation? Jacob promised to work seven years for Laban in order to earn the hand of Rachel.The number seven years was typical for a contract in those times. The eighth year was a time to reset. Next, Laban deceives Jacob (as Jacob had deceived Isaac). Laban offers Leah (the older daughter) instead of Rachel. Now Jacob has to work another seven years to have Rachel. A class member asks how Jacob was able to take two wives? Answer: it was the custom during that time. Brant lists twelve sons who represent the twelve tribes of Israel (and probably why Jesus picked twelve disciples). Each son’s name had a particular meaning. There are clear parallels between Jacob’s family and Israel and Jesus. Next, Rachel steals her father’s household items. Why? (This a human story.) Next, Jacob travels south (remember, he had traveled north to find Rachel) and is confronted by Laban about the items Rachel stole. The class has some comments and questions.
Adelphi Class 5 10 20
Dr. Brant Wallace Genesis 31-35
Brant starts with a grateful mention for all the mothers today.
We have been talking about Jacob for several weeks. Why? Because this shows the development of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob and Laban are finishing their negotiation. We read beginning at verse 54. This shows the sequence of sacrifice followed by the breaking of bread. Now chapter 32. Jacob tries to make peace with Esau. Esau approaches with a large group (400 men), which concerned Jacob, who then spit his group in two (in case they are attacked, one group could survive). Jacob offers a prayer. He got into this situation because of obeying the Lord, and asks for deliverance. Why does Jacob wrestle with so many people (and himself). After Jacob wrestled with God that night, he was given a new name, “Israel”. Jacob names the place “Peniel”. As it turns out, Esau greets Jacob with an embrace. Next, a comparison of Jacob and Jesus:
Jacob Jesus
He was the younger brother He is our elder brother
He sought to steal the blessing He sought to share the blessing
that belonged to another that was rightfully his
He took on the flesh of a goat He took on flesh in order to
in order to accomplish the deception accomplish our salvation
Jacob has a vision of a ladder between Jesus IS the ladder, the way between
heaven and earth heaven and earth
Jacobs starts his family with twelve Jesus starts with twelve disciples that
that grow and prosper until he takes continues to grow and prosper until He
them home takes us home
Next, Jacob’s thoughts before and after meeting God.
Now chapter 33 (Jacob comes to Shechem, in the land of Canaan). Next, Dinah, Jacob’s daughter (a disturbing story). We are now in chapter 35 (why do we hold on to things)? Do will we still “hedge our bets”? Next, God appears to Jacob and blesses him. (God reiterates the Covenant). Then they journeyed to Bethel, and settled near Bethlehem. Next, Rachel’s untimely death (for stealing Laban’s idols). Next, more comparisons between Jacob and Jesus:
Jacob Jesus
Known for his deceit and deceitful Known for his innocence, is betrayed with
tactics deceit and takes on our guilt
He struggles with an angel and Submits to the Father so that we might
sees the face of God see the face of God
He can only love the lovely, and He meets an imperfect, unclean and unlovely
meets his perfect, pure and woman at the well, whom he will make perfect,
beautiful bride at a well clean, and lovely enough to be His bride
Rolls away the stone no Rolls away the stone
no man could no man could
Brant reminds us that Genesis is a story of relationships. Jesus has a relationship with us.
Adelphi Class 5-17-20
Dr. Brant Wallace Genesis 37-38
The discusses when we want to start meeting back at church instead having virtual lessons.
Brant reminds us that Genesis is a story of relationships. Unfortunately, humans make mistakes. We are now in the third lineage, Joseph. Brant shows us the twelve sons of Jacob. How many different mothers are there? Now chapter 37: Who was Joseph? How was he similar to Jesus? We look at the scripture. What does the Bible say about favoritism? Next Joseph’s two dreams:
1) Binding sheaves in a field - other sheaves bow down to Joseph’s sheaf.
2) Sun,moon and eleven stars bow down to Joseph. His brothers become jealous.
Next, Joseph’s brothers sold him to some Ishmaelites for 20 shekels of silver, and he is sent to Egypt. Have you had major challenges? Next, comparisons between Joseph and Jesus. Now chapter 38, the Judah (one of Jacob’s other sons) interlude. He takes a Canaanite wife, but Judah’s sons die. Now the widow Tamar “negotiates” with Judah to have a son by him. (Before they sleep together Tamar gets some of his personal items to prove he is the father of her child). She has twins, Perez and Zerah. Zerah put his hand out first and got a scarlet cord to show he came first BUT Perez ended up being born first. Brant shows more graphs about Promise, Seeming defeat, and Supernatural Fulfillment.
Adelphi Class 5-24-20
Dr. Brant Wallace, Genesis, continued
Judy Canon reminds us that even though we are meeting remotely, we can still contribute to the Adelphi Class treasury!
Please mail your checks payable to "Adelphi Class" to:
Randy Houston
1712 Wilson St
Houston, TX 77019
Brant reviews the story of Joseph and reminds us that God keeps his promises. We review Chapter 39. It appears to be a story of defeat.Next, a chart showing: Promise, Seeming Defeat, and Supernatural Fulfillment. Remember, the Lord is moving us through all this.
Abraham: Descendants will be a multitude
Jacob: To be given rule over the land
Joseph: Your family will bow down to you
Moses: You will lead your country out of bondage
Jesus: The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand
Seeming Defeat
Abraham: He and Sarah are both barren and old
Jacob: He becomes a fugitive in Haran
Joseph: A slave in the prison of a foreign superpower
Moses: Rejected by Israelites; a fugitive in Midian
Jesus: Crucified, dead and buried; His disciples scattered
Supernatural fulfillment
Abraham: A son is born in Abraham & Sarah's old age
Jacob: He returns with great wealth
Joseph: He is raised up to become the second in all of Egypt
Moses: Leads Israel out of Egypt and through the Red Sea
Jesus: Resurrection; Ascension; the giving of the Holy Spirit to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth
How did Joseph’s presence in Egypt benefit the others in this narrative? Donnie Martin highlights Genesis 45:7. Please read this Verse. How do you benefit others in YOUR world? Now verses from Genesis 41: (Pharaoh’s dream - while Joseph was in the dungeon!) Joseph predicts a famine to occur after seven years. Do we prepare today? Brant shows several photos of the Nile river and the pyramids.
Next a chart of Joseph, chapter by chapter:
Joseph’s brothers hate him (37)
Interlude: Judah signified as leader (38)
Joseph’s enslavement in Egypt (39)
Joseph before Pharaoh: A plan to save Egypt (40-41)
Journeys of brothers to Egypt (42-43)
Brothers pass the test of love for their brother (44-45)
Migrations of family to Egypt (46:1-27)
Joseph before Pharaoh: A plan to save Israel (46:28 - 47:12)
Joseph’s enslavement of Egyptians (47:13-31)
Interlude: Judah blessed as ruler (48:1 - 49:28)
Joseph’s brothers fear him (49:29 - 50:26)
How was Joseph similar (and different) from Jesus? Next, highlights of Chapters 37 through 50.
Adelphi Class 5-31-20 Dr. Brant Wallace, Genesis, conclusion
The class has several comments about the riots which have been in the news. Brant offers a message of hope concerning these current events. Brant gives a review of Genesis, including Joseph’s rise to power in Egypt. Joseph manipulates his brothers to bring them back together, both physically and spiritually. Moses is writing this during the Exodus. Brant reminds us that Genesis is about relationships. What is God doing in your life to bring you closer to Him? Now, chapter 49 & 50. Jacob assembles his sons. The line of Judah leads to David, who leads to Jesus. Next, a chart about chapter 50. Next, a pattern of Israel’s purpose.
1. Alters and Worship
2. A sense of purpose
3. Unity
4. Racial and Religious Purity
Now, a review of Genesis:
Abraham (Abram),
Jacob (Israel),
Power Point of Brant's Genesis lesson plan
Genesis 1-50 (pptx)
Adelphi Class 6-7-20 Dr. Brant Wallace, The Parables, an introduction
Randy Houston gives a Treasurer report and reminds us we can mail class donations to him. If 50 people donate each week, we can keep the Adelphi budget at a good level by giving about $6 per person per week. Of course, we are behind in our giving the last couple of months.
Craig Lamb gives a Scholarship Committee report. We are still planning to give scholarships; you can find the link on our class web site: About Us Page
Regarding the Parables, Brant reminds us that parts of Genesis point to Jesus. The class has some comments about the George Floyd situation. Brant draws a parallel about how many of the Parables were about changes and challenges of that time.
What IS a Metaphor?
Metaphor...a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable
“The Lord is my shepherd.” - Psalm 23
What is a Simile?
Simile...a phrase that uses the words like or as to describe someone or something by comparing it with someone or something else that is similar
“Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as
shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves. - Matthew 10:16
What is an Allegory? (We see allegory in both the Old and New Testament).
Allegory...a story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand
for ideas about human life or for a political or historical situation.
So the Lord sent Nathan the prophet to tell David this story: “There
were two men in a certain town. One was rich, and one was poor…
Then Nathan said to David, “You are that man!” - 2 Samuel 12:17
Next, Fables vs. Parables.
Fable - A brief story illustrating a moral or revealing general
truths about human nature Often include talking animals
or animated objects as the principal characters
Parable - A short story designed to allegorically teach some
religious principle, moral lesson, or general truth Includes real or literal
occurrences to which anyone can relate
A class member asks why Jesus felt he had to use Parables instead of more clear communication.
Now, Judges 9:8-15 — is it a Fable, or a Parable? What about Luke 15:4-7?
You can read these verses on the video. The class says Judges is a Fable and Luke is a Parable. Next, ideas about Parables in the Bible. Why were Jesus’ parables unique? How many Parables did Jesus tell us?
Brant gives 5 steps in interpreting Jesus parables.
1. Understand the setting of the parable
2. Uncover the need that prompted the parable
3. Analyze the structure and details of the parable
4. State the central truth of the parable and its relationship to the kingdom
5. Respond to the intended appeal of the parable
How does this lesson relate to the recent National events?
This week you can review the video of the lesson AND see Brant's Power Point slides!
The Parables. Brant's Power Point lesson plan
Files coming soon.
Adelphi Class 6-14-20 Dr. Brant Wallace, The Parables, continued
The discusses a change in our start time. Moving forward, we will have class at 8:30 on Sunday morning.
Today, Brant reviews lesson one, and some important definitions. (See 6-7-20 lesson above).
The Parable categories include 1) Kingdom, 2) Sinner, 3) Forgiveness, 4) Prayer, 5) Stewardship, 6) Service and 7) Preparedness.
A Kingdom Parable: The Sower
Matthew 13:1-9... also Luke 8:4-8 Have you ever sowed seeds in your own yard? The class offers some opinions. What did Jesus say about this Parable? See Matthew 13:18-23. Jesus taught his ideas to the public in Parables, and explained them to his disciples in private. Brant explains the various parts of the meaning of The Sower. What are some applications of this Parable? The class offers more opinions. Brant gives some Take-Aways from The Sower.
Next, The Mustard Seed (Growth).
Matthew 13:31-32. Why is the mustard tree important? Also Mark 4:30-32. Brant gives a breakdown of this Parable, and then the meaning for us. Next, more Take-Aways.
Next, Hidden Treasure and a Pearl (Seeking Truth and Discovering)
Matthew 13:44-50. Jesus explains in Matthew 13:51-53. What is the meaning? (Once we find the truth, we should be willing to give up everything to achieve it). Next, more Take-Aways.
Here is the video link. ttps://immunotec.zoom.us/rec/share/xsgvNb6t_HhIEqOO2n7df5cNG8PqX6a8gCMf_foMzxqAf9SkWr_5f2dW_4X37Syx
Adelphi Class 6-21-20
Dr. Brant Wallace, The Parables, continued.
Brant says Jesus taught us through experience and story telling. We continue in the “Kingdom” Parable section.
There are 70 total Parables, 46 Synoptic, 29 Primary, in 7 Categories.
Today: The Vineyard Workers “Service”. Matthew 20:1-16. Next, a review of this Parable. The class has some comments, and Brant shares his interpretation. What about “Works” and “Salvation”... how are they connected? Brant shares some applications.
Next, the Parable of the Tenants: “Rejected Stone”. Matthew 21:33-46.
Who Jesus talking about? Brant gives us his list of the meaning. What is the application of this Parable? Brant asks us to read Psalm 118.
Next, The Wedding Feast. “All in the Kingdom” Matthew 22:1-14. And Luke 14:15-33. Do your worldly possessions interfere? Next a review. The class says this set of Parables about the Wedding Feast is a LOT more complicated! What are we doing to seek God? What is God doing to seek us? You’ll want to hear Brant’s explanation and the class comments. Is it easy to pray for a wrong doer?
Next, more Take-Aways... Grace is freely given, but we have to cooperate with God.
Adelphi Class 6-28-20
Dr. Brant Wallace. The Parables, continued.
The votes to change our class start time back to 10 am.
Donnie Martin gives the opening prayer.
Brant shows the Parable chart which organizes Jesus' 70 parables.
The Lost Sheep “Sin” Luke 15:1-7. The shepherd rejoices more over finding the “1” lost sheep than the “99”. The class has some comments. Have you been the “1” before? Brant shares some Take-Aways.
The Prodigal Son “Sin & Forgiveness “
Luke 15:11-32. Next, an organized review of this Parable. The class has some comments. How do the words “refine” and “pruning” relate to this Parable? Brant compares this Parable to the “Lost Sheep”. Brant gives us a list the meaning and Take-Aways. Is your faith a one time event or a life long journey? The class has a brief discussion. What happened to the younger son? The older son?
Bonus! Donnie Martin shared two videos about the younger and older son:
The younger brother (about 11 min.): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEYcvBTKVVM
The elder brother (about 12 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OasF7lWlX_M
We have the yearly lesson archives on two 6 month sections to help make searching easier
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