Index - Please scroll down to find lesson topics and special videos
1. Winding up Christmas (Jan 3)
2. Hebrews - "The Scarlet Thread" (Jan 10 to Feb 14)
3. Adelphi Class 70th Anniversary Party and Music! (February)
4. Covenants and Blood (Feb 21 to Mar 20)
5. Jesus' Last Week (Mar 27)
6. Observations after the Resurrection (and Following Peter) (Apr 3 to July 24)
7. Charles Pehl, guest teacher: Science will not bring Salvation (July 17)
8. Allen Houk's birthday song at class July, 24, 2016
9. Life's Cisterns (and several scriptures) (July 31)
10. Follow me, and I will make you... (Aug 7 to Oct 9)
11. Charles Thompson's retirement reception, Sept. 11
12. The Bible (It's languages, traditions, and chapters) (Oct 16 to Nov 6)
13. Mark, the Gospel of compassion (Nov 13 to ...)
14. Adelphi Christmas party videos (Dec 18)
15. Christmas lesson (Charles Pehl, guest teacher - Dec 25)
1. Winding up Christmas
Adelphi Jan 3, 2016 Review of the Christmas story, part 2
Allen calls his review, "Winding up Christmas". He begins with the Holy Family's escape to Egypt. Next Allen reviews the Bethlehem star, questions the actual number of Magi and the size of their entourage. Allen discusses the fact that there are some differences between the Gospels description of the early years of Jesus. Next Allen talks about the date of "The New Year" AND the idea of "resolutions". When did our current calendar come into effect?
How many of us make New Years resolutions? We finish with a brief announcement from Scholarship recipient Dakota Mills.
2. Hebrews - "The Scarlet Thread"
Adelphi Jan 10, 2016 Hebrews, "The Scarlet Thread", part 1
Allen teaches on Hebrews, which is noted to be the BEST Greek in the Bible. The authorship is unknown, but Allen covers several possibilities. Hebrews was very popular, so it was "grouped" with Paul's thirteen letters so that it would included in the Bible. Hebrews is a book of mystery; Allen lists several reasons. Hebrews is unusual in that it spoke to Greeks, Gentiles and Jews. Allen begins a line by line explanation of Hebrews. How many archangels are there? What does "Angel" mean? Next, the class asks Allen several questions.
Adelphi Jan 17, 2016 Hebrews, "The Scarlet Thread", part 2
Allen starts where he left off last week. He notes the number of references to the old Testament, BUT the author uses a GREEK translation instead of the translation which was ultimately used. However, this also tells us Hebrews was written before 90 AD, when the Septuagint was discontinued. Therefore, we know what was going on in the world at that time (i.e. The people where undergoing persecution). In chapter 2, Allen gives different Greek words and meanings that where used to say, "pay attention ". Both Greek words can also have a nautical meaning! Allen discusses Greek words related to sin. Next Allen gives three reasons the Christian revelation is unique. Next, the text refers back to Psalm 8. Allen asks us to read Psalm 8, but gives us some translations to clarify the Psalm. A class member asks if Hebrews was "transcribed" by some hearing Paul's teaching; Allen says, "No."
Adelphi Jan 24, 2016 Hebrews, "The Scarlet Thread", part 3
Allen begins with a discussion of a Greek word that can be translated to say Jesus is the "pioneer of salvation". And, perfection means, " to carry out the purpose for which it is designed ". Next, Chapter 2 is discussed. Did Jesus sin? How does the word "consider" help us understand this book? Allen digresses to discuss the consequences of our choices in life. Allen mentions that no other writer in the Bible calls Jesus an apostle except here in Hebrews. The author elevates Jesus to a position higher than the prophets and angels. The Greek word oikos (house) has two meanings. Allen discusses Jesus' divinity vs his humanity. Next week we will go to chapter 3 and 4, BUT Allen asks every one to read Hebrews chapter 11.
Adelphi lesson Jan 31, 2016 Hebrews, "The Scarlet Thread", part 4
Allen begins with a review of chapter 4. Allen focuses on the idea of "rest". What does rest mean to us, or to the Jewish people? "Today" means the lifespan that you have. Now Allen discusses chapter 11 which has one of the MOST FAMOUS quotes in the Bible. Allen uses the Amplified Bible which adds descriptions to the text. Allen discusses details of Cain and Able. Next, Enoch. (The author skips Adam and Eve). Next, Noah, Abraham and Sarah. What is YOUR impact on the future?
Adelphi lesson Feb 7, 2016 Hebrews, "The Scarlet Thread", part 5
Allen reviews the definition of "rest" in chapter 11. Next, Allen discusses The Promised Land under Joshua. Please read Psalm 95:7-11. Next, "... Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen..." Next, what happened to Enoch and Noah? Allen suggests that the author of Hebrews helped create several "legends" or "heroes" including Sarah. Now the class starts giving Allan a hard time! On to chapter 12, and a "cloud of witnesses" who believed in God THE SAME God of today. Allen finishes with a joke that some thought was funny!
(See part 6 of Hebrews, "The Scarlet Thread" below.)
3. Adelphi Class 70th Anniversary Party and Music!
Harry Collins part 1
Harry Colins part 2
Al Beyer Award
Dr. Wende part 1
Dr. Wende part 2
Kelli Estes and Jay Whatley part 1
Kelli Estes and Jay Whatley part 2
Kelli Estes and Jay Whatley part 3
Kelli Estes and Jay Whatley part 4
Dan Jones part 1
Dan Jones part 2
Dan Jones part 3
Betty Krause Award part 1
Betty Krause Award part 2
Allen Houk closing
Special Music by Don and Sally Cassling, before Feb 14 class
Adelphi lesson Feb 14, 2016 Hebrews, "The Scarlet Thread", part 6
Allen shows a video from 1931 by Rudy Valle -- "Life is just a bowl of cherries," Regarding Hebrews, Allen points out that this chapter was based on the language in the Septuagint. Several well know Biblical people are included. Which ones? Allen shows how historical people are related to present day people. Allen discusses the transition between chapter 11 and 12. Next he reviews The Patriarchs. Allen says that if just one of the prophets didn't do his job, many people would not have gotten the message. Allen's point is that the (unknown) author of Hebrews has a view of history that leads to us!
4. Covenants and Blood
Adelphi lesson Feb 21, Covenants and Blood part 1 Allen begins with a "Three point way of viewing man's salvation."
1. Generations
2. Degeneration
3. Regeneration
We will focus on regeneration. Allen looks at the work of David Limbaugh about the historical periods of Israel. There are several historical periods on the chart (You'll want to see them on the video). Next, the Edenic Covenant. "Be fruitful and multiply..." This could be called a "Covenant of Works". Next, the "Adamic Covenant ". Next, the "Noahic Covenant ". Next, the "Abrahamic Covenant," which is called one of the most crucial moments in the Bible. This sets apart the Hebrew people. The author makes several comparisons between Isaac and Jesus.
Adelphi lesson Feb 28, Covenants an
d Blood part 2
Allen says that the promise to Abraham is irrevocable. This covenant is further developed by later covenants. Allen mentions Palestinian and Davidian covenants among others. But, these covenants require action in the part of humankind. The writer William La Sor says this promise stands as a key to "understanding all of Scripture", which extends to all of humanity, not just the Jews.
Next, Allen discusses the Mosaic (Sinaitic) Covenant. There are six promises in this covenant! Plus, there is a NEW condition - keeping God's rules. Do the people keep God's rules? The Mosaic Covenant leads to 613 Hebrew commandments. Allen reviews blood sacrifice and gives the meaning of "atonement." After Christ, the Mosaic covenant has past.
Next, more on the Palestinian covenant. In the history of the world, NO country or people who have been removed from their home for more than 50 years has lasted, EXCEPT Israel. Next, the Davidic Covenant. But, does the text mean that the lineage of David will physically last forever? Allen has an answer. And, what will YOUR legacy be?
Adelphi lesson March 6, The New Covenant, part 1
Allen says this is a VERY important lesson! He begins with a review of the Covenants from the Old Testament. What happened to the Mosaic Covenant? Allen mentions three scriptures from the Old Testament. First he refers to Jeremiah 31:31-34 and 38:40. These point to the New Covenant. Atonement did not wipe out sin, rather it covered over sin. Next Jeremiah 50:4-54. This Covenant is different because the people are not required to do anything, rather God makes this Covenant for His sake. Regarding modern Israel, Allen gives an idea about why that country is now more and more secular. Next, Ezekiel 36:22-28. Ezekiel lived between 622 to 570 BC, yet he made a prophecy that took place at least hundreds of years in the future. Next, Isaiah 59:20,21. Several people described Isaiah to be more of an Evangelist than a Prophet. Allen gives a comparison of the "Old" and "New" Covenants. Allen finishes with an explanation of Exodus 6:6.
Adelphi lesson March 13, The New Covenant, part 2
Allen references Dr. Norman Geisler to explain differences between the Old and New Cov
enants. Dr. Geisler lists a LOT of differences. Next, Allen asks how can the prophecies of the Old Testament have been relevant to the people of 500 BC? Is our timing the same as God's timing?
The class has several observations, some of which Allen is able to repeat for the recording. (We expect to have a "pass around " microphone soon). Allen refers to Isaiah, and Ezekiel, Hebrews. Dr Roy Zuck says the difference between the Old and New Covenant "would not lie in the basic demand of the Covenant, rather the capacity of the people to obey it". Then Allen has a funny comment about a snail and the Ark! Next, does the New Covenant apply to all Christians? Or, does it apply to the Jews?
Adelphi lesson March 20, The New Covenant, part 3
Allen covers changes in the original Covenants. Most of the six Covenants were unconditional. Each one represents a change from God. Allen comments on several Covenants: 1) Eden 2) Adam 3) Noah 4) Abraham 5) Moses [sometimes called Sinai] 6) David. The class asked several questions regarding why God changed the Covenants. Treasurer Charles Pehl presents Allen with checks worth over $37,000 to help fund live TV broadcast of the 11 AM First Methodist service!
5. Jesus' Last Week
Adelphi lesson March 27, Jesus' Last Week
Allen asks (and answers) several questions about the last week of Jesus' life. He begins with Mark 11:1. Jesus is concerned about getting through his last week, so He uses a "code" to communicate.
Next, a reference to Zechariah 9:9-10. Where did Palm Sunday come from if the Synoptic Gospels do not name the tree? And what about throwing their cloaks on the road for Jesus? How did the Romans calculate the number of Jews who came to Jerusalem for Passover? How did the "computation of days" relate to how long Jesus was in the tomb? What was the metaphor for Jesus and the fig tree? Next, even the Passover meal was discussed in "code". What is the real meaning of "Maundy"? Next, was there ENOUGH time for all the activities to occur? Allen gives a possible answer. And, who was the family of Boethus? Then, a VERY important description of the Essene calendar. Most important, we need to be mindful of Christ's sacrifice!
6. Observations after the Resurrection
Adelphi lesson April 3, Angelos at the Tomb (It's a Greek title)
Allen discusses Pilates actions after the resurrection. Next, the message of the angel to Mary Magdalene. Allen uses several different Gospels to illustrate the events. How often does the word "Angel" appear in the Bible compared to the words "Sin" and "Love"? What was the primary reason for the Angels to appear at Jesus' tomb? How about examples of Angels in the Old Testament? But, how are Angels created? Allen answers the question of the importance of the Angels. What is the real reason?
Adelphi lesson April 10, Following Peter
Allen mentions a quote from Field Marshall Montgomery about the value of one man. What about the twelve disciples? Although one disciple betrayed Jesus, he also choose people who could carry on his work. In those days memorization was more important than the written word. Scottish scholar William Robertson Smith spoke about the importance of oral instruction. The gospels use different Greek words to tell how Jesus "called" the disciples. In what ways were the disciples "NOT" chosen? Were the 12 apostles servants or friends? (And, why?) How are the words Apostle and Preacher related? What was the original Greek description of Peter? Allen asks the class to give descriptions of Peter.
Adelphi lesson April 17, Following Peter, part 2 (the Wavering Apostle)
What is the nature of a fisherman? How big IS the Sea of Galilee? Allen begins with some observations about fishermen, especially in Jesus' time. Next, Peter is listed 100 times in the four Gospels (more than any other disciple). But Paul is listed 210 times. Allen reviews differences in the names of the apostles found in different gospels. Allen shows the different ways the gospels described how Jesus sent out the apostles. Next, how many people did Jesus feed? Was it only 5,000? Allen has the answer. Allen comments on several scriptures related to Peter.
Adelphi lesson April 24, 2016 Following Peter, part 3
Allen discusses Jesus' visit to Caesarea and Philippi. He begins with Mark's scripture to explain the idea of rest. Allen reminds us of "shaking the dust off your sandals." Allen shows photos and drawings from Caesarea Philippi ( there were two cities called Caesarea). Allen references a book by William McClure Thomson that was 2nd in sales to Uncle Tom's Cabin! When in Jesus' ministry did this trip occur? Allen explains ( with the help of the class) Matthew 17:4. How do WE compare to Peter?
Adelphi lesson May 1, 2016 Following Peter, part 4
Rady Houston gives the opening prayer, using "Lift Up Your Eyes", by Clyde Nichols.
Allen reviews Jesus' question, "Who do you say I am?" How does this relate to the divide between Catholics and Protestants? But, is there a middle ground? For the Jews, the metaphor "You are my rock," was a common idea in that time. What did the Rabbis teach about the Messiah? Next, Allen gives a number of examples of the use of the word "rock". In the Old Testament the frequent word for rock is not "Petra", rather "Sur". Allen talks about Mohamed and the origin of Islam. (How does this relate to Jesus?)
Adelphi lesson May 8, 2016 Following Peter, part 5
Phil Mabry gives the opening prayer.
Allen addresses, "The Son of Man", beginning with references from the Old Testament. Allen discusses several languages used for the Bible. Which language actually gave us an explanation? Next, how often was "The Son of Man" used in each of the four gospels? Allen gives SEVERAL quotes from the New Testament. What type of Messiah were the Jews expecting? Next, Allen talks about the difficulty of translating from Hebrew and Greek. He shows those languages, followed by the English translation. Can you figure it out before Allen gives the answer? And what language(s) did Jesus speak?
Adelphi lesson June 5, 2016 Peter the Wavering Apostle
Craig Lamb gives the opening prayer.
Allen begins with a review of the political and religious world of Jesus' time. Next, Allen spends more time discussing the Essenes and Zealots. Allen reviews the Dead Sea Scrolls; some of them validate Biblical texts that we already know, but some are original writings. The class adds several comments about the politics of why the Dead Sea Scrolls have not been completely translated and published. Back to the lesson: Some Zealots resorted to terrorism; these were called the Sicarii (dagger men). A few scholars suggest that Paul may have been a zealot.
Adelphi lesson June 12, 2016 Peter the Wavering Apostle
Bea Houston gives the opening prayer.
Allen gets a few laughs, and then reminds us about how people did not (and still don't) understand Jesus. Next Allen gives lots of statistics about Jerusalem (founded in 3500 BC). Get a pen and paper out to take notes! Next, the "Wisdom of Solomon", which is not in the Bible, rather in the apocrypha. Next, Allen refers to Mathew to explain "The kingdom of God" (Or the kingdom of heaven ). How do you get into the kingdom of heaven? Next, several references to Mark. Also, Luke. What is Jesus teaching? Allen gives an answer.
Adelphi lesson June 19, 2016 Peter the Wavering Apostle (continued)
Jack Foster gives the opening prayer.
Allen mentions an upcoming Biblical Cruse with Dr. Wende. Next, Allen does a review of "The Kingdom of God (Heaven)". We also get references to Jewish writings. Get out your dictionary to learn "eschatology ". Next, Allen goes back to New Testament writings. Why does Allen NOT say "the gospel of Matthew"? Did the attendees of the Sermon on the Mount really understand the lesson? Allen has the answer. Next, we look at the Acts of the Apostles. Before you can DO the will of God, what do you need to know?
Adelphi lesson June 26, 2016 Peter the Wavering Apostle (continued)
Charles Pehl gives the opening prayer.
Allen asks, "What does the word 'gospel' mean?" Please write down the list of related scriptures Allen provides. Next, what does "qadosh" mean? The primary doctrine of Judaism is the Holiness of God. 1) How about the Unapproachability of God? Next, Allen reads some related scriptures. 2) How about the Unpredictability of God? Next, Allen asks us to read the Job 38 and 39, which believes is great literature! 3) The relationship with sinners. Allen uses Psalms to explain this idea. Next, Allen shows photographs of actual texts in Greek and Hebrew. Then, we get a review of the names for God.
Who was the progenitor of the Jewish race? Next, when did God adopt the Jewish nation? Allen asks several questions about the concept of "father". What about the Greek concept of God as related to the Jews or Romans. To close, Allen engages the class in a discussion about different views of God. This is "off camera", so you'll want to attend class to get more information! https
Adelphi lesson July 3, 2016 Peter the Wavering Apostle (continued)
Raul Aridonda gives the opening prayer.
Allen reviews several relationships of "Father" in the sense of the Creator. God is the father of NO other nation, except Israel. Allen digresses to discuss the lack of Egyptian writings about the Jews. A class member validates this conversation by mentioning how there was NO historical mention of King Tut until about 1840. When does the concept change as to whether God is the father of the nation to being the father of the people? We see a change in Psalm 103. Allen mentions several "rabbinical " sayings (not in the Bible). How often did Jesus call call God "father " in Mark? And, to whom are these references made? Can you translate "Abba"? After several examples, Allen asks how we got to a place where many people don't even believe in God?
Adelphi lesson July 10, 2016 Peter the Wavering Apostle (continued)
Jim Krause gives the opening prayer.
Allen reviews ideas that show the people did not understand Jesus.
"Abba" is a word that is not translatable. The Greeks believed that God did NOT father man. For the Greeks and pagans, the concept of the New Testament God was difficult. The first Christians were Jews or quasi-Jews. The first thing the pagan learned was the Triune God. This was different from what the Jews learned. As the church grew, so did the creed. Why? The class asks Allen some questions about current church attendance. Next, Allen identifies two principal terms of the relation of Christ to God. But, what did the Greeks think? Allen talks about Marcion of Sinope (144 CE). Allen gives four New Testament writings that Marcion liked. What was the reaction he provoked in the Apostolic Church?
7. Charles Pehl, guest teacher
Adelphi lesson July 17, 2016 Science will not bring Salvation
Ben Brumlow gives the opening prayer.
Charles says the Original Sin was pride. Next, "The Law" was given through Moses. But, can WE comply with the law? Moving forward, Charles discusses discusses 18th century Enlightenment. In the 19th century came a new age. Charles discusses the Theory of Evolution. Charles provides a number of slides and photos to illuminate his lesson.
Who coined the phrase, "Survival of the fittest."? What about Darwin's rival? Next, the Romantic Age. Next, one of Darwin's cousins came up with idea of Eugenics (breeding for selection). There were positive AND negative Eugenics. Next, we look at the Aryan movement. Charles comes to a fascinating conclusion, and quotes Paul, "Thinking themselves wise, they became fools." Charles reminds us that Science will not bring Salvation.
8. Allen Houk's birthday
July 24, 2016. The Adelphi Class sings "Happy Birthday" to our teacher, Allen Houk
6. Observations after the Resurrection
Adlephi lesson, July 24, 2016 Peter, The Wavering Apostle, final topic lesson
Raul Arridondo gives the opening prayer.
Allen concludes the series about Peter. Allen mentions the writings about the early church by FF Bruce. There were three great schools of Christian thought in Alexandria, Antioch, and Rome. What were some terms that were difficult for early Christians? What did "Heresy" mean then (and now)? How is the relation of Christ to God conveyed in the New Testament? Allen list several heresies of early Christianity.
Allen transitions into a discussion of Arius, of Alexandria (circa 250 AD). He was opposed by Athanasius, the Bishop of Alexandria. Allen suggests that this conflict is related to man's desire to visualize something that is beyond the grasp of human vision and comprehension. Allen gives us a side-by-side display of the Nicene Creed from both 325 AD and 381 AD! One came from Nicea, the other from Constantinople. Allen reminds us that the Visigoths were Arian Christians, therefore they did not destroy Rome when they conquered Rome. But, how did a whole group of people (The Visigoths) come to believe this Arian type of Christianity?
Allen concludes, "When you attempt to intellectually define faith, it is not faith."
9. Life's Cisterns (and several scriptures)
Adelphi lesson July 31, 2016 Life's Cisterns
Jack Foster gives the opening prayer.
Allen shows photos of various Cisterns. What is the metaphor of a Cistern? After showing several Cisterns, Allen gives several scriptures related to Cisterns. After several ancient cisterns, Allen shows a photo of the Houston cistern which was built in 1924. Next, Allen gives some verses you can read if you ever get discouraged. You'll WANT to read these verses! Also, are you in doubt about God? More verses follow. You can pause the video to focus on these verses. Next, are you dissatisfied? Next, are you depressed? Next, do you need confidence? Next, Allen takes several questions from the class.
10. Follow me, and I will ...
Adelphi lesson August 7, 2016 "Follow me and I will make you ..."
Jerry Parker gives the opening prayer.
Allen continues giving examples of scripture that help explain various concepts. He begins with "pleasing God". Next, "Lukewarm spiritually". Allen mentions that when you miss church or Sunday school for several weeks, you have missed something that you can't get back! Next, Allen gives scriptures about serving God. Allen shows a movie clip from 1940 to give an example how a group can come together to achieve anything. (You'll WANT to see this movie clip which features a song by Nelson Eddie, "Give me some men who are stout hearted men...")
PS. Look for this video at 29 minutes into the lesson and GET READY TO BE INSPIRED!
Adelphi lesson August 14, 2016 "Follow me and I will make you ..." (continued)
Allen begins the lesson in 865 B.C. In a discussion on "Topical Issues." Allen begins with biblical references to marriage.
Was there an Ahab attested outside the bible? What about Elijah? Allen tells us how Elijah helped a widow and her son. How does Jezebel suddenly appear in the text? Allen has the answer. Next, an explanation which includes Jeroboam and the 10 tribes of the north. Allen shows a drawing of the Statue of Baal and gives some information. Next, the original bread of life. A class member asks how prevalent was the awareness of Yahweh at that time. Allen tells about the meeting of Ahab and Elijah.
Adelphi lesson Aug 21, 2016 "Follow me and I will make you..." (The Rest of the Story)
Margaret Lam gives the opening prayer.
Allen reviews his discussion of Elijah and his interaction with Ahab. But why would God tell Elijah to go to Zaraphath, where Baal was worshipped? Allen tells us about his move to Houston in 1974, and shows a map of Israel, showing locations where Elijah traveled. Allen's goal is to show information OUTSIDE the Bible to validate what we read in the Bible. Allen gives examples of Egyptian and Greek history. Next, Allen gives us scripture about Elijah confronting the prophets of Baal. Allen shares a dramatic story of Elijah preparing an offering. What is here " in addition to the text"? What does Jezebel do? Allen tells the story of Elijah after these events. What about the whirlwind? And, does God forgive Ahab? Next, information about Jehoshaphat and a battle. What ever happened to Jezebel and her children? How does this relate to marriage today?
Adelphi lesson August 28, 2016 "Follow me and I will make you ..." (continued)
Today, "Difficult people" Allen starts with Genesis 24, and Abraham's command to find a wife for Isaac who is not a Canaanite. Years later, Rebekah sends Jacob back to her land to find his wife (Rachel). Allen says this story is actually about household gods of the time, and shows pictures of archeological artifacts from that period in time. This relates to legal precedent of that time and to the conflict between Laban and Jacob. The biblical lesson is about "peace" above "family". Next Allen teaches about Reuben and the mandrakes. How does this story relate to today's society?
Adelphi lesson September 4, 2016 "Follow me and I will make you ..." (continued)
Raul Arredondo gives the opening prayer.
Allen begins with a story about Saul and David. First, is it Lord, or LORD? Allen explains why. The scripture comes from 1 Samuel. Allen tells us when the text means Jehovah or Elohim and why. Allen says God responsible for both the good and the evil we see in the Old Testament. Next Allen reviews the story of David and Goliath. How does Saul's response relate to jealousy today?
11. Charles Thompson's retirement reception, Sept. 11
This is a short video of Charles and Betsy Thompson at his retirement reception in the Fellowship Hall. You'll see a lot of Adelphi members in the crowd!
10. Follow me, and I will ... (continued)
Adelphi lesson September 11, 2016 "Follow me and I will make you..."
Raul Arredondo gives the open prayer.
Allen reviews last week's lesson with regard to: "Saul has killed his thousands and David his tens of thousands." Where there really that many people? The key word in the translation is "elep." What was the real size of Jericho and Jerusalem? Allen gives a review of last week's lesson, and continues his discussion of Saul and David. "God" means Elohim and LORD means Jehovah. In those days, how can God represent both good and evil? Allen has the explanation. Allen explains more, and digresses to talk about Deuteronomy. Isn't it amazing that God keeps his hand upon David?
Adelphi lesson September 18, 2016 "Follow me and I will make you..." Honesty is the best policy...Really?
Raul Arredondo gives the open prayer.
Allen reviews the story of Saul and David. David was not initially respected by the people of Judah. What is the "ephod"? Of course, Allen has the answer! Also, the king, the prophet and the priest are the three factors in governing Israel. Why did David keep his loyalty to Saul? How do some scholars describe David? The story of Saul and David continues... David sneaks into Saul's camp to take Saul's spear which was at his head as he lay sleeping. How did they resolve this issue? Allen shows the location of Gath on the map. Allen describes Saul's death.
Adelphi lesson September 25, 2016 "Follow me and I will make you..." About David telling the truth
Raul Arredondo gives the open prayer.
Allen starts with 1 Samuel 19:15 as a review. Allen mentions the "Ephod" again. What IS that? But, what about Saul? He has a tendency to lie. Saul did have some good characteristics, but not compared to David. Allen shows a picture of a priest. The Ephod is a garment that looks like a long vest. After showing the picture, Allen gives several scriptures which explain the vestments. Allen continues with scripture about people keeping their word (or not).
What about the "Urim" and the "Thummin"? What does David change when he becomes king?
Adelphi lesson October 2, 2016 "Follow me and I will make you..." Honesty is the best policy...Really?
Randy Houston gives the open prayer.
Allen begins with Samuel 1. When do kings go out to battle? Next, Bathsheba's story. A class member comments about women being "property" at that time. Next, Uriah, and what David did to him. David took Uriah's widow, but what happen to their son? Next, David and Bathsheba have a son Jedidiah. Allen moves to Chronicles to show a list David's children. Next, the story of Amnon and Tamar, brother and sister. What does Absalom do to Amnon?
Next, to Samuel 14; Absalom returns to Jerusalem. Allen tells us what happened to Absalom and then gives a list of David's warriors. Allen answers some questions from the class.
Adelphi October 9, 2016 "Follow me and I will..." Truth is the best policy...Really?
Henry Stephenson (our newest member) gives the opening prayer - and adds scripture from memory!
Allen begins in 2 Samuel 12:24, which tells about the birth of Solomon. Next, the story of Adonijah, who considered himself to be heir to the throne. Adonijah tried to take possession of one of David's concubines. Guess what happened? Next, what happened to Abner? Since Joab killed two of David's servants, what happens to him? We see the removal of obstacles to the reign of Solomon. Next the story of the two women who wanted the living baby. How did Solomon resolve this? But, how many people were in Solomon's court? Next, 1 Kings 8, the Dedication of the Temple. Allen answers a question about free will.
12. The Bible
Adelphi October 16, 2016 The Bible
Allen starts his lesson on the history of the Bible. He refers to the writings of C.L.Scofield (1843-1921) Allen asks us, "Who wrote the first SIX books?" The names of the Torah are not in Hebrew! Allen gives us some simple rules for approaching the Bible. 1) What order ? 2) What language? 3) How was it transmitted? 4) How many tribes? 5) What about the Northern and Southern tribes? (How would we compare this to the different traditions in the American north and south?). Next, Allen goes into more detail about the above points. One unique aspect of the Bible is that the Hebrew God is invisible. Why? Next, why did they begin to write down the Bible? Allen provides a graphic display of the Bible time lines. Next, Allen shows a picture of some Masoretic text.
Adelphi October 23, 2016 The Bible, continued
Ben Brumlow gives the opening prayer.
Allen reviews some simple rules (five) for approaching the Bible. First he discusses the origin of Hebrew and Aramaic. Aramaic is ancestral to Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic. Napoleon introduced the printing press to Egypt. The Arabic language was first noted in the 4th century BC. Next, Allen reviews what re-enforced the need to write down the traditions. Writing down the traditions became critical in 586 B.C. after the Babylonian conquest. A class member asks about the difference between divine revelation and man made input to the Bible. This question leads to a "spirited discussion". Next, Allen gives us a series of graphs that show time lines and languages related to the Bible. Allen gives a list of Old Testament books and estimated dates. The Masoretic Text was an attempt to make sure the Hebrew was correct. The Hebrew and Protestant Bibles have 39 books. The Roman Catholic Bible has 46 books. Allen shows several books and writings that are not in our Bible. Allen gives us some writings from 1 Esdra, and other writings. Next Allen reviews some "extra" writings in the New Testament, most of which were Gnostic. What is the Vaticanius text? What are the three Bibles that Allen mentioned?
Adelphi October 30, 2016 The Bible, continued
Craig Lamb gives the opening prayer.
Allen reviews his graph of the Bible's development from 1000 B.C. onward. He includes information on the numbers of chapters and several languages. What is the Apocrypha? Allen gives verses from Sirach. Next, Baruch. Next Allen gives ten events that accelerated the writings of the Bible. What is the pseudepigrapha? Next, the "Critical Text" published in 1881. Next, Allen gives a list of books from the 1st and 2nd century that are NOT in the Protestant Canon. Next Allen compares the King James and Sinaiticus Bibles. What was different? Allen responds to several questions from the class.
Adelphi November 6, 2016 The Bible, continued
Pat Hodges gives the opening prayer.
Allen shows his graph of Bible development beginning at 100 A. D. How did the Bible "develop" moving forward? Which languages were used? When was the Gutenberg press invented? Next, Allen discusses the development of the Bible into the English language. They had EIGHTY books! These extra books include the Apocrypha and pseudepigrapha. What is the "he" Bible and the "she" Bible? Allen lists several modern (20th century) translations. Next Allen switches from the graphs to written explanations you can read on the screen. When was the first audio Bible published? You need to be aware of 1 John 5:7-8. Allen tells us which translation to read!
13. Mark, the Gospel of compassion
Adelphi Nov 13, 2016 Mark, The Gospel of Compassion
Judy Cannon gives the opening prayer.
Allen uses the Holman Christian Study Bible (a Baptist version). Allen asks us to use our imagination to understand the lesson. Why is this important? How does Mark create urgency? What about "THE Gospel "? Allen gives a line by line explanation of the scripture. Why did Jesus speak with "authority"? Next, healings at Capernaum. Did Jesus come to heal or to preach? Allen answers some questions.
Adelphi Nov 27, 2016 Mark, The Gospel of Compassion
Phil Mabry gives the opening prayer.
Allen continues his study of Mark. He compares seating in the Synagogues with some modern Protestant churches. The class asks several questions. Allen talks about how there is more to the miracle of the healing of the shriveled hand. How does Jesus deal with conflict? Next, ministering to the Multitude. Allen compares how Mark and Mathew interpreted Jesus' conflict. Next, the naming of the disciples. Next, "A House Divided". The class asks more questions about Jesus' family. What about the unforgivable sin? Allen discusses two "Bookends" in Chapter 3. Next, the parable of the Sower. Why did Jesus use parables?
Adelphi Dec 4, 2016 Mark, The Gospel of Compassion
Mary Lou Adams gives the opening prayer.
Allen begins with the Parable of the Mustard Seed. Next, the disciples in a storm in the Sea of Galilee. Who caused this storm? How long would it normally take for a stormy sea to get completely calm? Next, Demons driven out (the herd of pigs run over the cliff). Next, a girl restored and a sick woman. Allen gives us a fascinating list of "cures" of that time period. Can you read between the lines in Mark?
Adelphi Dec 11, 2016 Mark, The Gospel of Compassion
Jerry Parker gives the opening prayer.
Allen begins with Mark, chapter 6. (Jesus's rejection at Nazareth). Allen adds some personal observations you can see on the video. See also: Luke 4:16:30. They always stood up to read scripture and sat down to teach. When challenged in the Synagogue, Jesus refers to non-Jewish people who were healed. How did the elders respond? Next, commissioning the Twelve. How many missionaries should go out? What does "knock the dust off your feet" mean? What about the relationship between Herod and John the Baptist? Next, Allen adds some more personal comments. Next, Feeding the 5,000. But, were there only 5,000?
14. 2016 Adelphi Christmas party and comments
Video of the class having fellowship before the Christmas Party:
Comments by Pastor Andy Nixon:
Christmas thoughts from Allen Houk
13. Mark, the Gospel of compassion, continued
Adelphi Dec 18, 2016 Mark, The Gospel of Compassion
Joyce Cook gives the opening prayer:
Allen finishes Mark 6, with the story of Jesus walking on the water. Why is Mark's version different from Mathew? How did William Barkley describe this miracle? Next, what are the details of feeding the 5,000? What does Job 8:9 say? And, Exodus, chapter 3? Allen gives us Matthew 14:28 as a comparison. Why is there a difference with Mark's writing? Allen has a suggestion! The class asks a question that gets a big laugh. Next, Mark 7. (The Traditions of the Elders). What is the origin of these laws? What is Corban? Next, Allen reviews more miracles. What does Jesus want?
15. Christmas lesson, Charles Pehl, guest teacher
Adelphi lesson Dec 25, 2016 "About Christmas" Charles Pehl, guest teacher.
Lynn Larson gives the opening prayer
Charles uses various slides to show the Solar and Lunar calendars as they relate to Christmas and Easter. What do the Equinox and Solstice mean? What happened after the Winter Solstice? Charles shows us information about how Jesus' birth date was determined. What is the real meaning of Christmas?
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