In order to make your search easier, we have the 2019 lessons in six month groups.
Index January - June 2019
1. Dr. Brant Wallace, Philippians
2. Dr. Brant Wallace, Christianity VS Judaism (1-20 & 2-10)
3. Dr. Jim Hamilton, Psalms (once or twice monthly)
4. Dr. Brant Wallace, Romans (starts at 2-17)
5. Special lesson by several class members (favorite scriptures) 4-17
6. Special class member Memorial Day memories 5-26
7. Dr. Brant Wallace, 1 Samuel 6-2
8. Special lesson, Hannaniah Pinto, "about King David" 6-30
Adelphi class 1-6-19 Dr. Brant Wallace
Philippians, continued - Prayer, Principle, Promise
Ben Brumlow gives the opening prayer.
Brant begins with a review of Philippians especially chapter 3. In ONE verse, Paul summarizes his goal. What is the high calling of Christ? A class member asks how this relates to Jews today. Brant says a good description would be “works” versus “grace”. Next, how does our soul compare to our flesh? Now, on to chapter 4. How does Paul begin ALL his letters? Brant gives us a summary of chapter 4. Brant reminds us of Service, Submission and Sacrifice. In chapter 4 Paul begins with an appeal to Unity, Joy and Peace. How easy is it to do the eight things Paul suggests for us? Do historians think Paul was a “nice guy”? Is rejoicing a choice?
Adelphi class 1-13-19 Dr. Brant Wallace
Philippians, continued
Jane Thompson gives the opening prayer.
Brant gives us a list of scriptures to read before next week. Psalm 22, Isaiah 53, and Luke 22. Next, a review of Philippians. Now, Brant begins our study of chapter 4. The first point is to “stand firm”. Next, Paul calls the church to be “United.” Next, “rejoice always “, then the “Peace of the Lord” will be with you always. Paul gives us a list to think about. Why? Can this list pull us out of anxiety? Next, the Pauline “Creed”, which includes one of the most well known verses in the Bible. Next, Paul uses an example of debits and credits. What is more important - your “gift”, OR the “act” of giving a gift? As the story closes, we see that even members of Caesar’s household are listening to Paul - while he is in prison! Next, a chapter by chapter summary of Philippians. How often does Paul mention a “call to Joy”? What is missing in our lives if we lose our Joy?
Adelphi class 1-20-19 Dr. Brant Wallace, Christianity vs. Judaism
Craig Lamb gives the opening prayer.
Brant asks the class what they think about the topic. Next, we look at Paul at the end of Philippians. Brant shows a graphic about Christianity. Next, Christian groups and denominations. How many are there? Is it complicated? (Yes). Why did things get so divided? With all the divisions, what remained the same? Next, a review of Judaism. Brant says Judaism is also a function of law and a way of life. The three Jewish Sects are Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes. Brant compares the beliefs of these three sects. Christian theology takes beliefs from all three sects! Next, modern branches of Judaism - Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform. Brant shows a graphic with many attributes of God. Next, the Prophets. What are the Holy texts of Judaism? What are the Holy texts of Christianity? You’ll want to use the graphics to help your study.
Adelphi class 1-27-19
Dr. Jim Hamilton Psalm 121, An ancient song our souls still sing.
Henry Stevenson gives the opening prayer.
In this Psalm, the Jews are still traveling; we are looking at this as “pilgrims “. Jim shows us a painting of the scene. Next, the first two verses are in the first person. What does this mean? We read the first verses together. Next, Jim explains the the background of the Psalms. How far down is the Dead Sea? What did “going up to Jerusalem” mean? Next, a map of Israel. How often were Jews required to journey to Jerusalem? What was the real purpose of the Psalms of Ascent? How do YOU prepare for worship each Sunday? Next, several modern photos of the area. Now, Jim returns to the written scripture. What is the difference between Jewish and Muslim homes? Next, a quote from Steve Dewitt. In chapter 5, what does the Hebrew word “Shomer” mean? Jim finishes with verses 6, 7 and 8. What is “providential care”? Jim closes with a prayer.
Adelphi Class 2-3-19
Dr. Jim Hamiton, Psalm 121, continued, and Psalm 122
Guy Meaders gives the opening prayer.
Jim relates the lesson to the hymn, “Marching to Zion”. How are they connected? Next, a photo of a Jewish Mezuzah, and a written explanation. Can Methodists have a Mezuzah? Next, back to Psalm 121, and another quote from Eugene Peterson. Another quote (and explanation) by Trent Hunter. Now, Psalm 122 (Why should we be glad?). Next, a review of “Psalms of Ascent”. What is their pattern and focus? You’ll see a VERY organized pattern! Next, some photos of how Jerusalem architecture would have looked. Jim says our relationship with God is vertical, while our relationship with people is horizontal. Jim asks us to pray for our church every time we enter. Jim ends with a prayer to the class.
Adelphi Class 2 10 19
Dr. Brant Wallace, Christianity Vs Judaism, continued
Judy Cannon gives the opening prayer.
Brant begins with a review of the history of Christianity and Judaism. Was Judaism always monotheistic? Jesus was from the Essene tradition. 40% of the total Jewish world population lives in Israel. How do Christianity and Judaism agree? Next, the Prophets. Next, the Holy texts of Judaism. You can pause the video to get a close up. With all the different languages involved this leads to lots of problems! For example, which language is the basis of the King James Bible? How are the world's religions predicted to change? What about the USA? Next, how does the Jewish belief in one God vs the Christian belief in the Trinity affect our prospective theology? Next, an Old Testament description of the Messiah. This difference in theology points to the Pharisees questioning of Jesus. (They didn’t believe God could have a son).
Adelphi Class 2 17 19
Dr. Brant Wallace - Paul’s Epistle to the Romans.
Margaret Lam gives the opening prayer.
Brant begins with a review of Romans. You will want read the six key points in the introduction. Next, why is Romans important? Martin Luther had a great explanation of this book’s importance and calls it the chief book of the New Testament. Next, the importance of Romans for Methodists. Now, information about the author. What was the occasion of the writing of this letter? Where did Paul write this letter? Who were the recipients? What was the purpose of this letter? What is the definition of “Apostle”? Next, When, Who & How and a summary. How does this relate to the upcoming 2019 special Methodist Conference meeting? Next, a summary of the themes in Romans. Next, a color flow chart giving an outline of Romans. Next, some key verses and WHAT is the key application of Romans? Answer: (Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel!)
Adelphi Class 2 24 19
Dr. Brant Wallace - Romans, continued
Randy Houston gives the opening prayer.
Brant begins with a review of Romans. Romans was used as a central guide, especially for Lutherans and Methodists. Brant asks us for a definition of “Grace”. Next, Key verses. (Be not ashamed of the Gospel.) Next, details about chapter 1, and we begin a line-by-line study of Romans. What does “Saul” and “Paul” mean in Hebrew? Why did his name change? Regarding the letter, why sign the letter at the front instead of the end? Why mention that Jesus is a descendant of David? Why combine “grace” and “saints” in the same sentence? Brant says that verses 1 through 7 are VERY important to the rest of the chapter. Next, a summary of verses 1 - 7. Greetings, Calling, Purpose, Recipients. What about “bond-servant”? Next, verses 8-12. How will YOU gives and receive encouragement this week? Brant finishes with comments and questions about the upcoming Methodist Conference and mentions videos by Tom Lambrecht.
Adelphi Class 3 3 19
Dr. Brant Wallace - Romans, continued
Lynn Larson gives the opening prayer
Brant gives a review of Romans and reminds us of the importance for this book to many Christian religions. How did church divisions back then relate to current church divisions? Next, Brant shows his flow chart outline of Romans. Then, a review of chapter 1. A class member points out that Paul (Saul) was a Pharisee’s Pharisee. What does that mean? Next, the section of verse, 1:24-32 (about how people gave up God’s truth for "the flesh"). This does relate to Levitical law. Brant explains Hearts, Passions and Minds. Brant asks us to read Chapter 2, and shows a Chapter 2 outline.
Adelphi Class 3 10 19
Dr. Brant Wallace. Romans, continued
Charles Pehl gives the opening prayer
Today, Chapter 2. Brant gives us a review and also mentions the word, “judgement” in relation to this chapter. You can see Brant’s flowchart outline of Romans. Next, a written outline of chapter 2:1-16. Will the Jews escape God’s judgement? What about the Gentiles? Next, a line-by-line explanation of Chapter 2. What about people who have “contempt” for God’s grace? How does this relate to, “You reap what you sow.”? The class has some questions about “sining apart from the law.” The discussion circles back to a quote from James: “Faith without works is dead.”
Adelphi Class 3 17 19
Dr. Brant Wallace. Romans, continued
Charles Pehl gives the opening prayer.
Brant shows us the outline chart of Romans. How did the diversity in Rome compare to Houston today? Brant gives some concise descriptions of chapters 1 and 2. Next, Chapter 2:17-20 (The claims of the Jew and his role among the gentiles). Next, an outline of Chapter 2:21-29. You can pause the video to read the text. Next, Brant starts a line-by-line reading of the scripture. How did the Jewish law expand? What is the “subtle” meaning here? Verses 21-24 ask some important questions. On to verses 25-29. Can the uncircumcised follow the law? Next, does fellowship wax and wane? Yet, the relationship remains. How does this relate to a visual display of the cross? The class has several comments and questions.
Adelphi Class 3 24 19
Dr. Brant Wallace. Romans, continued
Jim Krause gives the opening prayer.
Brant reminds us that Paul did NOT write Romans in Rome, rather Corinth. How did the Jews think about non-Jews? Romans is written for both Jew and non-Jew. Brant reminds us of the importance of Romans to modern churches. What about the actual writing style of Romans? Next, a review of the outline graph. Today we will address God’s anger and God’s grace. The class has some questions. Next, on to Chapter 3. What is Paul’s argument? Brant reviews the “horizontal” and “vertical” relationships with God. What does this mean? Next, a line by line reading of Chapter 3. What happens when you have two or three belief systems that are similar?
Adelphi Class 3/31/19 Rev Brandi Horton. "Lord, teach us to pray."
Phil Mabry gives the opening prayer.
Brandi gives us some data on how often and “how” people pray. You might be surprised to see the numbers, particularly “how” people say they pray. Next, for “what” do people pray? Should collective (group) prayers reflect people’s individual prayers? What about Baby Boomers vs Millennials? Brandi gives other statistics about prayer. What percentage pray to God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit? Next Brandi gives us three challenges from this research.
Brandi close with a quote from James, Chapter 5.
Adelphi Class 4/7/19 Special lesson day
Jane Thompson gives the opening prayer.
Today, several class members share their favorite Bible verses and spiritual ideas with class.
Betty Krause - Betty discusses one of her favorite spiritual books, "When God Winks at You" (How God speaks directly to you through the power of coincidence) by Squire Rushnell. Betty tells us a couple of stories in her own life, and then more about the book and the author. How many Facebook fans does the author have? Betty suggests that when we have a chance to do something good, instead of a "coincidence", it might be God winking at us.
Cheryl O’Brien - Cheryl discusses some current popular scriptures that are shared worldwide, focusing on the Old Testament.
Randy Houston- starts with observations about Isiah and Frederick Douglas. Randy’s comments focus on the New Testament. Randy picks Matthew and also references a book by Max Lucado.
Ben Brumlow - Ben’s favorite verses include: “Trust the Lord with all your heart.” How does this relate to today?
Henry Stevenson - Henry uses Titus, Chapter 2. From where does the goodness of God originate?
Adelphi Class 4/14/19
Dr. Brant Wallace - Romans, continued
Billie Strickland gives the opening prayer.
Brant begins with a review of our previous lessons. What was the schism at that time? Next, a view of the outline. What about God’s anger? To where does this lead? We go to Chapter 3:9-20. Brant makes some comments about “judgementalism”. A member asks if we need to ask forgiveness for every sin. Brant reminds us of our horizontal AND vertical relationship with God (and with people, too). Why does Paul have this “bad” view of humanity? Next, Brant discusses the laws of that time. What about “written” and “natural” laws? You can pause the video to see the outline. Next, 3:21-31. What does “grace” and “justification” mean for us? Paul uses illustrations the Jews could relate to. Why include “boasting” in this scripture? Paul asks several probing questions. What is the sequence of Paul’s ideas in this chapter?
Adelphi Class 4/21/19
Dr. Brant Wallace, Romans continued
Henry Stevenson gives the opening prayer.
Brant has some fun showing a video of Ben Brumlow dancing at the Cooke’s Spring party. Brant adds that THIS is a day we should all dance. Next, how does Romans, Chapter 4 relate to today? Why are both Jews and Gentiles pointed to God? Next, take-aways from Chapter 3. Next, Chapter 4 “Righteousness through Faith”. Is it OK to boast? If you trust without works, what is that? (Faith). Next, a Chapter 4 outline. Next, verses 9-12. What is “progessive sanctification”? Next, verses 13-15.
Adelphi Class 4/28/19
Dr. Jim Hamilton Psalm 123:1-4
Donnie Martin gives the opening prayer.
Jim follows up to Donnie’s prayer which mentions how the church is under attack. Next, Jim has the class read the Psalm out loud. Next, a review of the types of Psalms: Trouble - Trust - Triumph. What did Psalm 121 and 122 cover? What about Psalm 123? Jim says prayers don’t need to be long but simply sincere. Next, Jim does a line-by-line commentary of Psalm 123. What did Martin Luther say about this Psalm. Next, how do we look to the Lord for Mercy? What about God’s sovereignty? Jim gives us other Bible verses to help explain the text. Are we responsive to God’s commands? Know - that you are dependent on God for all things. Do you look for God to intervene in your life? Next, Look - to the Lord as your merciful Savior. What does Ray Fowler say? Next, what should you do when you’re at the end of your rope?
Jim and Carol lead the class in singing “At Calvary” by William R. Newell (1865). Jim says you search YouTube for “Reformed Presbyterian songs”
Adelphi Class 5/5/19
Dr. Brant Wallace, Romans continued
Henry Stevenson gives the opening prayer.
Chapter 5. Brant shows his outline of Romans. How does Paul organize Romans? Next, take-aways from Chapter 4. Brant says we need to remember this page! Next, Brant mentions two questions about Chapter 5. Now, a summary. The class asks some questions. Next, we read Chapter 5 line by line. The class has some more questions.
Adelphi Class 5 12 19
Dr. Brant Wallace, Romans, continued
Cheryl O’Brien gives the opening prayer.
Brant continues with Chapter 5, and asks us about “justification” and “reconciliation”. Brant uses the story of the Prodigal Son as an illustration. Next, verses 5:12-14. These two verses lead the class to a complicated exchange of ideas. How do we know if someone sins? Next, verses 5:15-19. A class member summarizes: “Adam broke it, Jesus fixed it.” Next verses 5:20-21 (More about the law, sin and grace). Now, a summary of Chapter 5. Reconciliation, Transgression, Death and Eternal Life. Next, an outline of Chapter 6, and something new: Sanctification. What type of “death” is Paul discussing? A class member comments about the difference between a child being baptized (but not of his own choosing) and a person making a conscious choice to be baptized and accept Christ as their savior.
Adelphi Class May 19, 2019
Dr. Brant Wallace - Romans, continued
Ched Beecher gives the opening prayer.
Brant continues in Chapter 6. We are coming to a pivotal part of Romans. What types of baptisms are there? What happens when we are saved? Next, verses 6:11-15. Brant says this includes a “talking point”. Brant has some fun describing the “old” and “new” self after we are saved. Do we always do the right thing and keep from sin? Next, 6:12-20. Are we slaves to sin or righteousness? Brant clarifies the use of these words at that time period. Next, 6:21-23. What begins us lasting joy? What is the free gift of God? Now we go to Chapter 7. How long is “the law” binding? Brant discusses different types of law. How does knowing (or not knowing) the law relate to sin? Brant asks two questions:
1. What are our hearts focused on?
2. What master are we serving, Sin or Grace?
Adelphi Class 5 26 19
Special Memorial Day Lesson
Dr. Jim Krause gives the opening prayer.
Ben Brumlow leads the class in a patriotic song!
Warren Kimbrell leads a reading of The Pledge of Allegiance.
Tom Hughes gives a history of Memorial Day. Tom shares some “old” photographs!
Roy Plaisance gives some history of our flag. Roy finishes with a poem about veterans.
Margaret Lam shares some memories of her childhood during WWII. Margaret shares some of her fathers Military papers from that time.
John Rodríguez shares some memories from his time in the Navy while serving near San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Billie Strickland shares a story about “taking a flag” from the top of the Portland city dump.
Adelphi Class 6 2 19
Dr. Brant Wallace I Samuel 18:1-9
Ben Brumlow leads the hymn
Craig Lamb gives the opening prayer
Brant takes a break from his series on Romans.
“Saul’s Growing Fear of David
18 After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself.
2 From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return home to his family.
3 And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself.
4 Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt.
5 Whatever mission Saul sent him on, David was so successful that Saul gave him a high rank in the army. This pleased all the troops, and Saul’s officers as well.
6 When the men were returning home after David had killed the Philistine, the women came out from all the towns of Israel to meet King Saul with singing and dancing, with joyful songs and with timbrels and lyres.
7 As they danced, they sang:
“Saul has slain his thousands,
and David his tens of thousands.”
8 Saul was very angry; this refrain displeased him greatly. “They have credited David with tens of thousands,” he thought, “but me with only thousands. What more can he get but the kingdom?”
9 And from that time on Saul kept a close eye on David.”
How would you respond if the same thing happened to you as to Saul? Saul was the first “man appointed king” of Israel. How was Israel being treated by the Philistines? Next, David VS Goliath. Now, Jonathan (one of Saul’s sons) becomes “mentor” to David. How does Saul react to this and to the accolades given to David. Saul tried to kill David at least fifteen times. Moving forward, Brant shares the biggest problem in today’s world (according to a recent Surgeon General). What is the difference between secular rewards and eternal rewards? Next, more about Jonathan and David. How does this relate to our interaction with Jesus?
Brant says, “J O Y” - (Jesus 1st, Others 2nd, You 3rd. )
Next, Ben Brumlow describes the recent FUMC mission to help Haitian refugees in the Caribbean.
Adelphi Class June 9, 2019
Dr. Brant Wallace - Romans, continued
Jane Thompson gives the opening prayer.
Brant continues in Romans and asks us to think about the “giants” in our lives. Next we see a six minute video by John Piper. This video sounds like a preacher preaching a sermon, but it is actually a reading of Romans, Chapter 8 (Editor's note: please open your Bible to Romans 8, and read along with this You Tube presentation by John Piper.)
Next, the objectives of Chapter 8, and a summary. Next, Brant reads the Chapter as printed in his presentation (NRSV). What is the difference between dwelling on the flesh vs the Spirit? Now Paul refers to the triune body. What about “adoption”? Next, why does Paul mention “suffering”?
Adelphi Class June 9, 2019
Dr. Brant Wallace - Romans, continued
Jane Thompson gives the opening prayer.
Brant continues in Romans and asks us to think about the “giants” in our lives. Next we see a six minute video by John Piper. This video sounds like a preacher preaching a sermon, but it is actually a reading of Romans, Chapter 8 (Editor's note: please open your Bible to Romans 8, and read along with this presentation by John Piper.)
Next, the objectives of Chapter 8, and a summary. Next, Brant reads the Chapter as printed in his presentation (NRSV). What is the difference between dwelling on the flesh vs the Spirit? Now Paul refers to the triune body. What about “adoption”? Next, why does Paul mention “suffering”?
Adelphi Class 6 16 19
Dr. Brant Wallace- Romans, continued
Paul Wolfe gives the opening prayer
Brant continues in Chapter 8, specifically focusing on “election”. Brant shows his color coded outline. Where should we set our minds? Brant says the Christian life is a journey. Next, verses 8:18-25. Paul puts together natural and spiritual law. Brant discusses predestination and choice. What do Methodists believe? Wesley divides grace into three components. Brant borrows an explanation from Dr. Steve Wende. Next, Brant has a thorough explanation and reading of verses 8:31-39. How does this relate to today? Brant closes with a summary of Chapter 8. What is the Aldersgate experience?
Adelphi Class 6 23 19
Dr. Brant Wallace, Romans Chapter 9
Phil Mabry gives the opening prayer.
Brant says that Chapter 9 is controversial. Why? Next, open your Bible to Romans, Chapter 9 as Brant reads the whole Chapter for us. Brant says we need to understand the “context” of this chapter, otherwise we might get confused. Who is Paul writing to? (The Israelites). Are we predestined to go to Heaven? - or to Hell? What is the answer? Next, Brant shows his color coded outline. What does “Israel” mean? “Prince” - God’s chosen. Remember, Jacob wrestled with God and was renamed Israel. Next, a summary of Chapter 9. Now, verses 9:1-5. Paul is very upset. Why do the Jews matter in this writing? Now, verses 9:6-13. What does “and not all of Abraham’s children are his true descendants” mean? Now Paul makes references to the Old Testament. Paul wants ALL to understand, but wants the Israelites to understand the “emphasis”. Now 9:14-20. Brant says that no one is predestined to go to Heaven or Hell. Calvin and Wesley disagreed on this. As you read this remember that “mercy” and “compassion” are VERBS in Greek. Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart? A class member comments about Paul; Brant repeats for us. Although Paul writes to three different groups in his writing of Romans, this Chapter focuses more on the Jews. Now, 9:30-33 Brant talks about “faith” (Gentiles) and “works” (Jews).
Adelphi class 6 30 19
Special lesson, Hannaniah Pinto - About King David
Charles Pehl gives the opening prayer.
Hannaniah shows slides of the new “Encounters in Archeology” center near La Grange Georgia. This facility has 19 acres, including a 4 acre lake.
Hannaniah tells us about sheep in the Holy Land. How are they different from other sheep around the world? Next, information about David. He was a poet, a conqueror, and a prophet. Why did the Israelites want a king? Why was Saul chosen to be the first King? David was the “least impressive” of all the sons of Jesse. Actually it was 15 years after his anointing by Samuel before David became king. What city did David try to conquer? How many people were killed when he conquered Jerusalem? How did this affect the Northern and Southern tribes of Israel? Next, David brings the Arc of the Covenant to Jerusalem. With as much as David accomplished, David committed sins! But, David did repent for his sins. How does that help you? Do you accept your forgiveness from Jesus?
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