Index - Please scroll down to find lesson topics and special videos
1. Mark, continued (Jan 1 to Jan 8 and Feb 5 to Mar 5)
2. Guest teacher, Ezra Charles (Jan 15 to Jan 29)
3. Guest teacher, Bishop Scott Jones, March 12
4. What Jesus said and what He meant, (March 26 to April 9)
5. Easter, The Rest of the Story, April 16
6. After the Crucifixion, April 23
7. Evidence of the Resurrection, April 30
8. The Holy Spirit (May 7 to May 28)
9. The Fruit of the Spirit (June 4)
10. Churchill and Hitler (June 11)
11. Just Walk Across the Room (June 18 to August 13)
12. Guest teacher, Charles Pehl, (August 20, September 10)
13. Moses, The Reluctant Prophet (Sept 13 to Dec 10)
14.Rethinking the Cross and the Crucifixion (Dec 17 to Dec 31)
1. Mark, continued (Jan 1 to Jan 8 and Feb 5 to Mar 5)
Adelphi lesson January 1 (Mark, continued)
From Mark 7, Allen discusses the disciples concerns about being able to feed the 4,000. The city in question is the Decapolis, which is the only Greek city in Israel. Allen tells us about one of the independent cities, Gagara. Several of these cities are in desolate areas, which means there wouldn't have been much food. In this case, Jesus had "compassion" on the crowd. There where only seven loaves to feed a total of probably 12,000 people (4,000 men were listed, BUT women and children would not have been counted, so the actual numbers was much higher). After feeding the crowd, the "leftovers" filled seven LARGE baskets (There are two different words used to describe "large" when describing feeding the 5,000 and feeding the 4,000.) Were these mass feedings the same event? Allen explains how the two mass feedings WHERE different events. A class member points out that miracles don't have logical explanations. Some differences in the events: In the first feeding, the leftovers were "just enough". In the second feeding, there were enough leftovers to feed the crowd on their journey home. Do the disciples really understand what's going on? What about showing the people a sign? Was Jesus avoiding Galilee? Next, Jesus tries to make his point in a different way, when he helps a blind man. What is Jesus' message to the blind man (and to us) by healing the blind man? Allen has the answer! Next, Jesus asks two questions: "Who do people say that I am?", and "Who do YOU day that I am?" A class member discusses the Jews understanding of the Messiah. Next, Jesus picked the center of Paganism (Cesarea Philippi) to give the disciples his message. When Jesus talks about "losing your life", what does he really mean? Who taught the Romans about crucifixion? Next, how do you get to the promise of a better life? What is our challenge in 2017?
Adelphi lesson, January 8 (Mark, continued)
Raul Arredondo gives the opening prayer.
Allen continues in Mark 8 with some well known verses. Next, how were the chapters separated? Allen discusses the transfiguration. Who is the "Elijah" of Jesus' day? Next, the Power of Faith over a Demon. The class asks Allen a funny question. Next, more well known quotes. Next, some warnings from Jesus. What IS Mark talking about as this chapter finishes? Allen has an idea. The class has more comments.
2. Guest teacher, Ezra Charles (Jan 15 to Jan 29)
Adelphi lesson, January 15. 2017 Ezra Charles, guest teacher - The language of Jesus
Allen Houk introduces Ezra Charles.
Ezra tells us that there are still communities in the Middle East where Aramaic is their current language. Ezra begins with Noah's three sons. Where does the word "Semitic" come from? Next, "Lingua Franca". What caused the demise of the use of the Aramaic language? Ezra shows us the Lords Prayer side by side in the King James Version and word for word Aramaic. What about: "Lead us not into temptation." How was it REALLY said? Is "Amen" an Aramaic word? Next, Ezra gives us some additional meanings of specific words in the Lords Prayer. What did these words actually mean in that time?
How many languages did Jesus know?
Adelphi lesson, January 22, 2017 Ezra Charles, guest teacher - Aramaic, the language of Jesus, continued
Pat Hodges gives the opening prayer.
Aramaic, the language of Jesus, continued.
Ezra shows us a book by Rocco A. Errico. This book has side by side translations of the Bible in English and Aramaic. Ezra starts in Matthew 1:18-25, using a DIRECT Aramaic to English translation which has the accurate interpretation of Jesus' name. Did you know the letter "J" was only invented in the 1700s? What about the letters "S" and "U"? When did they begin? Ezra gives us several examples of Aramaic translations. Next, should we worry if we are saying Jesus' name accurately? What name did Mary call out the back door when Jesus was a little boy? What does "Amen" mean? Ezra takes several questions from the class.
Adelphi lesson, January 29 More about Jesus' language - Aramaic
Kathy Hughes gives the opening prayer
Ezra shows us a book by Rocco A. Errico. This book has side-by-side English/Aramaic translations of parts of the Bible. Ezra begins in Matthew 4:18-20 and gives us several examples of the actual meanings of words and names in Aramaic. What was Simon's nickname? Next, Peters greatest moment. What are some meanings of "rock"? How does this compare to the variety of word meanings in the English language? Next, Peter offends Jesus. Next, were there really demons to cast out? Next Peter and the "magic fish". Next, Matthew 14:23-33 (Peter walks on water) and Matthew 8:23-27 (Calming the storm). How does a better understanding of Aramaic help us interpret these stories? Next, Jesus' best comeback statement. Next, some Aramaic insights. What about the "Constitution of the Kingdom"? And, why DID Jesus use parables? What was the general thought process in the world before Jesus? Ezra has an idea.
Back to topic # 1. Mark, continued (Feb 5 to Mar 5)
Adelphi lesson, February 5 - Mark, continued
Allen Houk returns as our teacher
Allen begins in Mark 10 and mentions that Jesus liked to answer a question with another question. Allen adds some of his own comments about the scripture. Did Jesus side with the liberal view regarding divorce, or the conservative view? Is marriage always joined by God? Why did Jesus hold the children? What about the Rich Young Ruler? Next, Allen discusses Possessions and the Kingdom. Next, Jesus discusses the Prediction of His death.
PS We know there is a "glare" on the video screen, and will adjust the video production next week!
Adelphi lesson, February 12 - Mark, continued
Jerry Parker gives the opening prayer.
Allen continues in Mark 10:46-52, with the story of the blind beggar. Next, information about Jericho. Next, chapter 11, "The Triumphal Entry". What is the significance of the young donkey? How many of the people mentioned in Jesus' entry to Jerusalem would have known who He was? What about the statement the people made, "Hosanna in the highest?" Next, Allen explains the cursing of the fig tree. Allen shows a drawing of how they cut such large stones for the temple. Next, the cleansing of the temple. Allen shows some photos of the temple walls that still remain, and an artists rendering of how the temple would have looked in Jesus' day. Next, what happened to the fig tree? We finish with a close up view of Allen's bow tie.
Adelphi lesson, February 19 - Mark, continued
Marillyn King gives the opening prayer.
Allen discusses Faith and Forgiveness. Next, a series of five challenges for Jesus. First, the Messiah's Authority Challenged.
Should authority be separate or together? There's a technical glitch, but you get a great photo of Yosemite Valley during the transition. Second, the Parable of the Vineyard. What did the word "slave" actually mean? This parable comes from Isaiah 5:1-7. The people in Jesus' time would have been familiar with this Old Testament story. Then , other related scripture, including 1 Peter (Peter was the memoir of Mark). Third, God and Caesar. Allen shows a photo of a Roman coin. Next, the Sadducees and the Resurrection. Fourth , the Primary Commands. Fifth, the Question about the Messiah. Next, a question about the education of that time.
Adelphi lesson, February 26 - Mark 13
Allen says this is a difficult chapter, as this discusses the end of time. First, Allen reviews the Prediction of the Destruction of the Temple. Allen shows a photo of the Huldah gate. Next, rumors of War, and persecutions. Next, the Great Tribulation. Who are the elect? Then, The Coming of the Son of Man. Next, the Parable of the Fig Tree. How does this relate to the Tribulation? And, who knows when the Tribulation will occur? Allen shows a drawing of Earthquakes and Famines; all of them before the destruction of Jerusalem.
Adelphi lesson March 5 - Mark 14 and 15
3. Guest teacher, Bishop Scott Jones, March 12
Adelphi lesson March 12 - Guest teacher, Bishop Scott Jones
Lesson notes coming soon!
Adelphi lesson March 19 No video this week, so the lesson is: If you really want hear Allen's teaching, you'll want to come to see him live on Sunday morning!
4. What Jesus said and what He meant, March 26 to April 9
Adelphi lesson March 26 What Jesus said and what He meant.
Raul Arredondo gives the opening prayer.
Allen says what Jesus said and what he meant can be two different things. Part of this is related to translations using several languages. What about the word, "kurios"? Next, why did mamon become Mammon? Allen gives several scriptures using different words (such as "master" and "Master ". Do any of the disciples EVER call Jesus by his proper name? How did the use of "Kurios" change? What about, "merimnan"? Allen gives us ten verses Jesus gives that relate to seven arguments and defenses against worry. Next, Allen gives quotes from a preacher who gave twelve thousand sermons. You'll WANT to read these! The preacher: Charles Spurgeon. 1834 - 1892. Allen asks us a question: "Does anxiety produce the result that you want"?
Adelphi lesson April 2 What Jesus said and what He meant. (continued)
Craig Lamb gives the opening prayer.
Allen tells us that translators of the Bible had to pick from up to five meanings of words as they translated the Bible. For example, what are some translations of "believe"? Next, Allen discusses Daniel 12:1. Next, Maccabees and Esdras. What is the Talmudic view? (Writings about the Old Testament). What about the war of Gog and Magog? Allen mentions Rabbi David Kimchi (1160-1235). Next, what about the afterlife? Can a non-Jew become a righteous gentile? Allen discusses the mount of the Transfiguration. Allen asks us to read 1 Corinthians 15
Adelphi lesson April 9 What Jesus said and what He meant. (continued)
Judy Canon gives the opening prayer.
Judaism concentrates on the importance of "this world"; it took a while to focus on the afterlife. Today Allen gives us the seven laws of Noah. They are in the video. Six of the seven laws come from Genesis. Next, what is the "Mishnah"? The "Midrash"? The "Talmud"? Next, Allen goes to the New Testament. What is the Greek meaning of Resurrection? Allen gives us three translations of Luke 2:34. Next, John 11:38-44, and Back to 1 Kings 17:19-22. Next, 2 Kings 4:32-37. What happened to Elisha? Back to Luke 7:11-17 (Jesus raises the widow's son at Nain) Next, several passages from Acts. Next, the Greek word "spirit", and "soul".
5. Easter, The Rest of the Story
Adelphi April 16, 2017 Easter. The Rest of the Story
Jim Krause gives the opening prayer.
Allen gives us four things that contributed to the death of Jesus.
1) The Law
2) The Roman government in Judea
3) The fractured Interaction of government. Allen shows a flow chart of the power structure of the day. (It's long and complicated). What about Tiberius, Sejanus, Lucius Lamia, Pilate, Caiphas and Annas?
4) People and Religion. The Romans had up to 30,000 gods for their system.
Allen tells us about Tiberius and his family. How did Tiberius deal with Sejanus? How does all this relate to the death of Jesus? Allen has the answer. Allen shows a 1305 painting of Pontius Pilate by Giotto.
6. After the Crucifixion
Adelphi April 23, 2017 After the Crucifixion
Jane Thompson gives the opening prayer. Yes, that is she standing behind the sunflower.
Allen starts with Luke 21, then Matthew 26. Next, an explanation of Passover and the Feast of the Unleavened Bread. Several important events came together right before Jesus' crucifixion. What were they? Allen believes that Passover became significant because of Jesus. Why? Next, Allen gives us several scriptures that are only found in Mathew. Next, Allen shows us some differences in Mark and Luke regarding the Bandits who were crucified with Jesus, and explains why. Next, John 19. How did the Romans learn about crucifixion? Next, Allen gives more information about the Festival of the Unleavened Bread, and the Burial of Jesus. What did the disciples do the day AFTER the Crucifixion?
7. Evidence of the Resurrection
Adelphi Class April 30, 2017 Evidence of the Resurrection
Henry Stevenson gives the opening prayer.
Allen starts with Matthew 28, then Mark 16, then Luke 24, then John 20, which describe the same event. Why are there differences in the scriptures? Why are the women important to the story?
Next, Acts 28:30-31, which was written in 62 to 65 AD. Allen gives us accounts that were MUCH closer to the Crucifixion. Allen gives writings from Philippians, Colossians and 1 Corinthians. What does Cephas mean in Aramaic and why is it relevant? Next, Galatians 1:18-19. What did Paul do in Jerusalem beginning in 35 AD? What about the commissioning of the Disciples?
Next, Allen gives us many scriptural appearances of Jesus after the Resurrection.
Next, Allen answers several class questions.
8. The Holy Spirit
Adelphi Class, May 7, 2017 The Holy Spirit
Kathie Hughes gives the opening prayer
Allen begins his series on the Holy Spirit
Adelphi Class, May 14, 2017 The Holy Spirit, continued
Raul Arredondo gives the opening prayer.
The Old Testament word for spirit, RULACH, is listed 377 times, and has 29 shades of meanings (including: air, anger, blast,. cool, strength, temper, thoughts and wrath). Next, Exodus 28:3 and Exodus 31:1. Then, Samuel 22:1 and Thessalonians 2:8. Next, Numbers and Deuteronomy. What about the prophets? Allen is telling us about various GIFTS that are listed, including Genesis 41:35-40 (food and administration). Next, did the Holy Spirit ever leave David? Allen switches to a New Testament view from Paul in 1 Corinthians 2. Next Romans 12:6-8. Next, gifts listed in Ephesians and Corinthians. Why were there differences in Paul's writings? Does the Holy Spirit still go on? The class asks several questions and Allen digresses to tell us about his experiences with the Holy Spirit.
Adelphi Class, May 21, 2017 The Holy Spirit, continued
Randy Houston gives the opening prayer.
Allen reviews gifts of the spirit, using 1 Corinthians and Ephesians. To whom was Paul writing? Allen gives several texts from Acts to help explain. He also gives us different translations of the Bible. Hebrew had about 5,000 words; Greek had about 50,000 words. How does that affect the translations? Allen shows us Strong's Greek Lexicon - be sure to review this slide. What was Paul trying to accomplish in his writings to the Corinthians? A class member asks about the difference between speaking in tongues and "babbling".
Adelphi Class, May 28, 2017 The Holy Spirit, continued
Raul Arredondo gives the opening prayer.
Allen concludes the "GIFTS" portion of this lesson. He begins with gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians, and lists observations by Adam Clarke (1763-1832. He lived during the time of Wesley, but was not well known, even though his work was considered very important to Methodism for 200 years. What does Clarke want us to remember? How do the gifts of "Wisdom" and "Knowledge" go together? Allen mentions the preaching of Charles Spurgeon.
Next, the gifts of discernment and faith. How often is faith mention the the Old Testament? The New Testament? Next, the gift of working miracles. Which of the nine gifts listed in Acts would YOU like? Allen shares comments from W. E. Vines. Next, Allen tells us how critical the Holy Spirit is to the church and to us. What do we do TODAY with our gifts?
9. The Fruit of the Spirit
Adelphi Class, June 4, 2017 The Fruit of the Spirit
Raul Arredondo gives the opening prayer.
Allen tells us that the Greek word for fruit is singular. Allen uses the Amplified Bible to give us scripture from Galatians. How is the Amplified Bible different? Allen gives the same text from the NIV, which takes "no liberties" with the translation. Next, Allen gives some general information about Galatians. Allen discusses challenges to Paul's credibility. Allen gives us a list of fruit. Agape occurred in both the Old and New Testament, but was given its meaning in the New Testament. The New Testament has two of the four Greek words for "love". Next, Joy. Next, Peace. Next, Patience. Next, Kindness. Next, Goodness. Allen gives four statements about Goodness. Next, Faithfulness. Next, Gentleness. Next, Self Control.
10. Churchill and Hitler
Adelphi Class, June 11, 2017 Churchill and Hitler
Mary Lou Adams gives the opening prayer.
Allen gives us some fascinating historical insights about two of the most influential people of the 20th century. Both Churchill and Hitler thought they were vital to the future of the world. They were born into completely different types of families. Next, Allen shows the differences between their upbringing and opportunities. Churchill's parents gave him very little attention, so his biggest influence was his Christian nanny. Who influenced Hitler? What caused him to "create" the Aryan race? Was there actually a "race" of Aryan people? How does this relate to the challenges facing the church in America today?
11. Just Walk Across the Room
Adelphi Class, June 18, 2017 Just Walk Across the Room
Henry Stevenson gives the opening prayer
Allen discusses a book written by a Chicago pastor, Bill Hybels, whose Sunday attendance is about 27,000 people. Hybels focuses on people who don't feel like "part of the group / click". Allen tells us several stories to illustrate Hybels point. First, a Muslim at a party in a southern city. Next, Romans 5 and John 8 (some translators excluded John 8). Next, a story about a pilot. In the story, the pilot (in a single engine plane) was asked to turn off his connection to ground control. Why? Next, "Brian" a soccer coach. How did Hybels reach out to him?
Adelphi Class, June 25, 2017 Just Walk Across the Room, continued
We are studying the work of Bill Hybels who teaches about letting the Holy Spirit help you get out of your comfort zone to reach out to other people. Allen begins with Acts and Galatians.
Next, how do people begin their Christian journey? And what is OUR roll in evangelism? Do we always succeed when talking to people about faith? Allen uses Matthew 13 to illustrate. Next, Mark 8:36. How does YOUR scale balance? Can we ordain the role we will play in discussing faith? Can you leave your "circle of comfort" to the "zone of the unknown"?
Adelphi Class, July 2, 2017 Just Walk Across the Room, continued
Ezra Charles gives the opening prayer:
Allen talks about the use of initials in describing things. What are the 3Ds?
1) Developing Friendships
2) Develop Stories
3) Discern Next Steps
How many of us think about helping friends and neighbors into heaven? However, the Bible's position on evangelism is different from many modern churches. How so? Allen shows a chart about the amount of active evangelism as related to the length of time a person is in the church. Are we "cut out" to walk across the room and befriend a stranger? Bill Hybels says that avoiding evangelism is the polar opposite of what Jesus did. Allen shows another chart listing how our focus in church can change after time. Next, the thief on the cross next to Jesus. Allen lists several other "Questionable" people in the Bible. What did Jesus do with these people? Next, what about Saul? And, what about the man with the withered hand? Was he a "set up"? What about our choices in dealing with people who are "different" from us? The class has several questions for Allen.
Adelphi Class, July 9, 2017 Just Walk Across the Room, continued
Dick Bailey gives the opening prayer:
Allen begins with a question from last week's lesson. How do you rank yourself in finding new believers? Next, the scripture about the man with the withered hand. What Jesus did was to always bring out the BEST in people. Next, three stories about Pastor Bill Hybels. Story 1 is very compelling - Hybels gives a despondent couple two "new" words to describe their life. Can you find some new words? Also, Hybels did not disclose his occupation (as a preacher), yet he still was able to reach out and help them. Allen says the only way we can reach people who are FAR from God is to get close to THEM first. The key word is "proximity." Next, Sensitivity in reaching out . Story 2 is about a late night confession. What do we need to do to receive forgiveness?
Adelphi Class, July 16, 2017 Just Walk Across the Room, continued
Raul Arredondo gives the opening prayer:
What do you "Discern what to do Next" as you engage someone about church? How do you know what resource to provide? Does a resource provider focus on (1) wayward types, (2) being a moral compass for stragglers or (3) being a Bible Answer Man? (The answer is NO). Instead, Allen suggests that a resource provider approach people in a humble way so that we can first understand WHAT the resource should be. Next, where do opportunities arise? Is it someone you already know, or someone new? Allen gives us some excellent examples. Next, what are your initial interactions that can make you a resource provider? Allen gives us several stories from Hybel's book. If WE can't preach salvation, what CAN we do? You'll WANT to hear Allen's final comments.
Adelphi Class, July 23, 2017 Just Walk Across the Room, continued
The class sings "Happy Birthday" to Allen.
Allen Houk gives the opening prayer. Allen tells a joke, and then begins with the "Be with factor" Allen gives details about Jesus asking the Samaritan woman for some water. Of which water is Jesus speaking? Allen suggests this is an example of Jesus "walking across the room". Next, Matthew 15:21-31 (How did Jesus convert people?) Allen mentions several parables. Allen asks us to practice telling our (conversion) story to someone in less than 45 seconds. Allen gives us some examples of what to say, and what NOT to say.
Adelphi Class, July, 30, 2017 Just Walk Across the Room, continued
Lynn Larson gives the opening prayer.
Allen asks, "Why build bridges?" Man has always wanted to bridge chasms to get to the other side. What about the chasm between God and man? Historically, how did man attempt to bridge this chasm? Allen explains the role of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Regarding various faiths, where do they start? Answer, on the human side of the equation. Christianity is the only religion in which God reaches out to us to bridge the gap. What is the standard for Christianity? (The Bible). Allen shows a graph of the chasm between man and God. You'll want to se the graph develop. Next, do you really believe the Message? There are two groups of people regarding evangelism: Avoiders and Erupters. Allen says we should create a "living obituary."
Adelphi Class, August 6, 2017 Just Walk Across the Room, continued
Ezra Charles gives the opening prayer.
[Editors note: Allen's microphone was "in and out" for a few minutes, but please be patient with the audio. We did solve the problem after a few minutes.] Allen reviews the scripture about Jesus asking the Samaritan woman for water. What actions did Jesus take in answering her "deflections"? Allen breaks down their conversation. Jesus is able to keep coming back to HIS point by answering her deflections. Next, Allen gives us a list of questions we can use in everyday conversation so we can begin a dialogue about church. Allen says we ought to be patient in dealing with people's deflections.
Adelphi Class August 13, 2017 Just Walk Across the Room, continued
Well, no camera this week, so YOU are the lesson this week! Please get out your Bible and read these passages. First, the woman at the well.
OPEN UP YOUR BIBLE, and read John 4: 1-28.
What was the purpose of her salvation? What would have happened 15 years later? How many people were saved because Jesus spoke to her? How can YOU change the world? (More about the woman below)
OPEN UP YOUR BIBLE, and read Luke 5: 1-11.
(Jesus goes out with the fishermen) Allen says the intrusion of God into our lives has a purpose. In this case they left their load of fish (their livelihood) and followed Jesus. The woman at the well left her bucket of water (symbol of her life) to follow Jesus. A member asks, "Who had the most faith - the woman, or Peter, Andrew, James and John?" Allen says it was Philip, who is not mentioned here. Although the woman confessed to the whole village. Pastor Hybels says Jesus departed from the ordinary to the extraordinary least 40 times. Allen talks about the pervasiveness of social media and how many young people are unhappy. This makes it even more important that we reach out to people and "Walk Across the Room" to invite people to church. Allen says we should put out OUR net and catch some new members.
12. Charles Pehl, guest teacher
Adelphi Class August 20, 2017 Charles Pehl, Guest Teacher
Judy Cannon gives the opening prayer.
Charles gives us a review of his series beginning in the Old Testament. Many "gods" come from things you can see or hear (like thunder), but you can not see the God of Israel. Next, a review of Judges, including Saul, and then David. Charles compares the Biblical people to several movie characters. Next, Nathan confronts David about his actions toward Uriah. Charles says Solomon oversaw the Golden Age of Israel. Next, 1 Kings, chapter 11. What is the difference between Solomon and David? Charles says the real enemy was Jeroboam. When Jeroboam flees, where does he go? Charles has the answer. Next, Rehoboam, Solomon's heir.
Adelphi Class September 17, 2017 Moses, The Reluctant Prophet
Phillip Pena gives the opening prayer.
Allen shows a map of lower Egypt. Moses was not born in Goshen, probably in Thebes south of Cairo. The capital of upper Egypt was Thebes. Egypt became a civilized nation about 4,500 years ago. Allen gives us a review of their history. When was Moses born? Allen shows us Exodus 1:6-8. Why was Pharaoh afraid of the Israelites? Allen gives several modern examples of immigration concerns and then compares those to Egypt. Allen says the stories in Exodus discuss "civil disobedience" and "adoption". What does that mean for us today?
Adelphi Class September 24, 2017 Moses, The Reluctant Prophet, continued
Donnie Martin gives the opening prayer.
Allen begins with a review from his last lesson. Moses would have spent his life in Memphis. Since Moses grew up in the presence of Pharaoh, this can explain similarities between Egyptian and Hebrew religious symbols. Allen examines the history of Moses' time. Next, Allen shows scripture from Exodus. Is "Moses" a Hebrew name? What about Midian? During the reading of Exodus, Allen points out that there are "intervening authors" who add to the text. How many liars where there in this text? Does lying change God's intentions? The class has several comments.
Adelphi Class October 1, 2017 Moses, The Reluctant Prophet, continued
Henry Stevenson gives the opening prayer.
Allen begins with Moses' encounter with the burning bush. Allen reminds us that there were several extra sources to the writing of Exodus. Allen points out that 400+ years passed between these events and when the scripture was written. What does "YHWH" mean? When were vowels added to Hebrew? What does "I AM" mean? Next, Allen shows a photo of a statue of Rameses II.
Adelphi Class October 8, 2017 Moses, The Reluctant Prophet, continued
Cheryl Morrison gives the opening prayer.
Allen begins with a review from last week. Allen gives us some information that WILL BE on our final exam. Next Allen us different translations (NIV vs NSRV) of several Biblical texts. A class member asks, "Why would God want to kill Moses?" Next, more about Rameses II, the most powerful Pharaoh in Egypt's history. Why is it also spelled "Ramsesses"? Next, Allen shows a map of the Exodus. What is the festival of the "Sed"?
Adelphi Class October 15, 2017 Moses, The Reluctant Prophet, continued
Jerry Boyle gives the opening prayer.
Allen says the plagues experienced in Egypt, WERE in accordance with what we might expect in nature. Allen reviews five events. Since the Hebrews had been in Egypt for several hundred years, they may have forgotten Abraham, and their roots from Canaan. This might have been a factor in how the Israelites responded to Moses. What other meanings could the word "divisions" have? Allen says the interchanging of "Hebrews" and Israelites" indicates a second author of the text. Allen asks us how the Egyptian magicians could have duplicated Moses' plagues. Here are the plagues: (1) Blood everywhere [the priests do the same] (2) Frogs everywhere [the priests do the same] (3) Gnats everywhere [the priests CAN'T do the same] Up until now, the Israelites experience everything the Egyptians did. Pharaoh agreed to let the Israelites offer sacrifices for three days, BUT they could not go into the desert. (4) Flies everywhere BUT in Goshen. Allen says that so far the plagues where natural occurrences and explains why. Also, the Nile river was represented by two gods; part of what they where to do is keep the Nile pure. How did Pharaoh's "hard heart" change during this series of plagues? Pharaoh risked everything (all the things he had prepared his whole life) in order to challenge the God of Israel. Allen takes several questions from the class. How does this story relate to YOUR life?
Adelphi Class October 22, 2017 Moses, The Reluctant Prophet, continued
The text of Exodus has a number of instances of God explaining his name to Moses. Why? God says "I did not make myself known to them." The revelation of YHWH had not been made, so the Hebrew people did not who God was or His characteristics. There has been a debate about the length of the Exodus and the large number of people who crossed back into Canaan. How could there be so many people when they only started with about 75 Hebrews? Allen asks if the plagues were natural occurrences. How can they be defined as miracles? Allen believes the "sequence" of the plagues is important. Also, Pharaoh did not understand the power of YHWH. The Lord killed the livestock of the Egyptians but not the Hebrews. However, the heart of Pharaoh hardened. Allen lists the plagues:
1. Blood everywhere , Egyptian priests do the same.
2. Frogs everywhere, Egyptian priests do the same.
3. Gnats everywhere, Egyptian priests can not do the same.
4. Flies everywhere, but NOT in Goshen
5. Sick and dying livestock from disease, but NOT the Hebrews'
Remember, the Egyptians believed in magic. Allen observes that with ALL these plagues shown to Pharaoh, how can he NOT let the people go?
6. Lesions affect humans and animals, and the magicians are disabled
7. Hail, lightening and fire except for the Hebrew occupied land.
8. The locusts
The class asks if Pharaoh needed to be taught "a lesson". Allen asks us to think about the question, "How can God be called 'compassionate'"? Some authors have said that the God of the Old Testament is NOT the same God of the New Testament. Allen says they are wrong.The class asks some questions about God and free will.
Adelphi Class October 29, 2017 Moses, The Reluctant Prophet, continued
Ben Brumlow gives the opening prayer
Allen says we have an assignment for next week - a discussion of free will. Allen continues his discussion of the plagues. Pharaoh’s “cabinet” urges him to let the Hebrews go. Allen highlights certain passages. He explains locusts. However, when the locusts attacked Egypt, the did not attack Goshen. Next, the plague of darkness, which is the only plague we can’t understand. Pharaoh still did not let the people go, so the Lord brought one more plague, the death of the first born mail children, and also the first born animals. Next, Allen explains the Passover in detail.
Allen says there are three ways to look at the Old Testament:
A) Everything you read is true.
B) Some is historical, some is true, and you need to figure it out.
C) Everything you read is allegory.
A class member asks how do we equate Jesus to the Passover? Allen reminds us that some events in the Old Testament occurred hundreds of years BEFORE they were written about. Allen shows a map of the Exodus and suggests the location of the “crossing of the Red Sea”. How does this relate to the three ways to look at the Old Testament?
Adelphi Class November 5, 2017 Moses, The Reluctant Prophet, continued
Pat Hodges gives the opening prayer.
Allen shows a map of the Exodus, which includes 15 possible locations for Mount Sinai. He also discusses the location of the crossing of the Red Sea. These events occurred about 3,000 years ago. Allen reviews chapter 15 and how it describes the events. When was this scripture written? Next Allen discusses the puzzle of the Tent of Meeting. How did this compare to tents in Egypt? What happens to the Tent of Meeting when it becomes a permanent structure? The class asks several questions. What about contemporary worship facilities? How does the look and feel our worship facilities relate to the church's mission?
Adelphi Class November 12, 2017 Moses, The Reluctant Prophet, continued
Raul Arredondo gives the opening prayer.
Allen notes that the Hebrews did NOT wander for 40 years, rather 17 months after which they settled in Kaddish for 38 years. How many provisions did they have? Later, Allen gives us the definition of “Manna”. What is the difference between “homer” and “omer ”? What happened when the people made idols from gold? What did Moses have the Levites do? Allen adds some scripture from Numbers. The story of the Exodus is actually found in several different books of the Bible.
Adelphi Class November 19, 2017 The Ten Commandments
Phil Mabry gives the opening prayer.
Allen starts in Exodus , chapter 19. How many times did Moses and God speak face to face? Next, a brief look at 1 Peter 2:9-10 - a New Testament view. Back to Exodus, and how the people were consecrated. How is the “third day” significant? Allen makes observations about Mount Sinai using Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. This shows some confusion about the actual location of Mount Sinai. Here is a link to more information about Mount Sinai:
Next, a reference to C. S. Lewis. Next, observations about the Ten Commandments. It’s very interesting seeing the Commandments described in detail.
Adelphi Class November 26, 2017 Moses, The Reluctant Prophet, continued
Philip Pena gives the opening prayer.
Allen shows us a map of possible journeys of the Hebrews in the Exodus. He marks their location after 3 and 11 months. They then spent 38 years in Kadesh. Next, Allen gives us some history of the area and a different possible map of the Exodus. What is the most popular Old Testament book for the Jews? Next, Numbers 20:8. Next, Allen reviews 3 of the 10 Commandments (in some detail). Allen includes a written statement by the Methodist church about the Ten Commandments. Do you agree with this statement?
Adelphi Class December 3, 2017 Moses, The Reluctant Prophet, continued
Wayne Wetzel gives the opening prayer.
Allen begins in Numbers 13. As the Israelites found the land of “milk and honey”, what did “40 days” really mean in the Bible? After they saw themselves as “grasshoppers”, what did the people say to Moses and Aaron? Why did the spies tear their clothes? What does the Lord say about the people’s complaints? Allen adds some of his own comments. Allen shows a map of the traditional route of the Exodus. Where does Moses lead the people after the sinning generation dies? How many were they? Next, Numbers 20. What WAS the problem for the people and God? Allen gives us a preview of next week’s lesson.
Adelphi Class December 10, 2017 Moses, The Reluctant Prophet, continued
Cheryl O'Brien gives the opening prayer:
Allen reviews the history of the journey to the Promised Land. First, Numbers 20:8. What happened to Moses and Aaron?
Allen gives us some advice from the author of his study book by Adam Hamilton. What is a particular “evil” today? Allen gives us an important verse from Deuteronomy 6. Allen asks the class to name some current things we “worship” today. Allen gives us the description of Moses’ death. What does this teach us about OUR promised Land?
Adelphi Class December 17, 2017 Rethinking the Meaning of the Cross
Ben Brumlow gives the opening prayer.
Allen reviews his study book, “The day the Revolution Began” by N.T. Wright. The story begins in April, 33 A.D. How would a newspaper cover the death of Jesus? Allen gives us several “headlines”. Who invented Crucifixion? What did EARLY Christians believe about Jesus? What did they believe about their role? Next, Allen gives us some scripture about why Jesus came to us. What about Purgatory? Allen shows a photo of the “Jesus Army” in England in 1960. Allen discusses a religious art exhibit in London in 2000. Allen gives other examples of the meaning of the cross. What about dealing with evil? The class asks Allen several questions.
Adelphi Class 12-24-17 Rethinking the Meaning of the Cross, continued
Jim Stephens gives the opening prayer.
Allen follows up on the research of Dr. Wright about what actually occurred in the 1st century. What was said by the people who lived through the Crucifixion? Allen mentions three contexts in which the Crucifixion finds its meaning. How did Caesar’s census affect the Nativity? How were the Roman Caesars judged after their term? Allen now discusses the writing of Homer and Virgil. How did these writings compare to the Christian view? What about the interpretation of “Salvation”? Allen returns to a discussion of Crucifixion. How did they view “the cross”?
PS A class member found a YouTube of one of Dr. Wright's lectures, but there is a copyright against "re-distribution."
Adelphi Class 12-31-17 Rethinking the Crucifixion
Ezra Charles gives the opening prayer.
Allen begins with a review of the history of the Crucifixion. What did it mean when Pilate wrote “The King of the Jews” on Jesus’ cross? What was Pilate's function, according to Rome? Allen explains several quotes which date several hundred years BC. Returning to the Crucifixion, Allen discusses the early debate about its meaning. Next, John 11:50. What about sacrificial death? Allen talks about the number of Synagogues in Jerusalem. Next, Allen tells us about the numerous festivals and holy days for the Jews. Next, quotations from Daniel and Jeremiah. Allen takes questions from the class.
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