2021 A lesson index:
1. Dr. Brant Wallace, Acts, continued
2. 1-31-21 Charles Pehl, guest teacher, Acts, continued
3. 4-18-21 Dr. Brant Wallace, James
4. 6-6-21 Dr. Brant Wallace, Jude
5. 6-27-21 Dr. Brant Wallace, Grace
Adelphi Class 1 3 21
Dr. Brant Wallace, Acts, continued
Covid vaccination note: Matt Musil mentions a resource for those interested in the Covid vaccination: https://www.nextlevelurgentcare.com/covid-19-vaccine-information/
Today, chapter 8. Brant gives a review of previous lessons and shows the Acts outline.
Are you prepared to share the gospel with others? The class has some comments.
We look at Philip’s strategy.
Acts 8:26-29 (The Ethiopian eunuch).
Verses 8:30-33 (The eunuch asks for guidance.) What section of Isaiah was the eunuch reading? The class has some comments.
How did John Wesley describe grace (God's un-merited favor)?
Prevenient - wooing, seeing grace
Prevailing - you experience grace
Sanctifying - sustained grace
Verses 8:34-38 (Philip baptizes the eunuch.)
Verses 8:39-40 (The Lord snatches Philip away, but the eunuch went on his way rejoicing.) Next, Philip “found himself at Azotus”. How? Do you ever get on “autopilot” while doing things like driving to work?
Bonus: Charles Pehl mentioned his experience with the "Newman" club in the Navy. This group is also active in colleges. For those who are interested, here is a link: https://uscatholic.org/articles/201201/newman-centers-a-brief-history/
Where did Philip go? How can you apply Acts 8 to your life? Brant says God prepares the way; we are to Follow, Grow and Proclaim.
Adelphi Class 1 10 21
Dr. Brant Wallace. Acts, continued
Brant shows the chapter by chapter outline.
Brant says God has a plan and purpose for our lives. How are you called to serve?
Today: Saul consented to the death of Stephen, the first martyr. Who taught Saul as a Pharisee?
Acts 9:1-9 (Saul in the road to Damascus)
Next, a list of facts and observations about this encounter.
Jesus’ mission should remain at the heart of OUR mission, whatever we chose.
Verses 9:10-19a (Ananias called to help Saul). The class has some comments. How was Paul treated after his conversion? Now, a written explanation of Paul’s actions. How did Paul see his mission?
Verses 9:23-27 (The Jews plot to kill Saul). Also, at first the disciples reject Saul.
Verses 9:28-30 (Saul is threaten while preaching in Jerusalem, so the believers sent to Tarsus).
Brant says we should have Patience, Prayer and Guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Adelphi Class 1 17 21
Dr. Brant Wallace, Acts, continued
Editor's note: There is no video today; please read the verses in the pdf below as you review the questions and comments.
Brant talks about a watershed moment in the early church. First, some questions:
1) Does God show partially?
2) Why does God choose who He chooses? The class has some comments.
Next, What is the opposite of partiality? ... Impartiality, dislike, disinclination (and more, see slide # 4).
Acts 10:1-8 (Cornelius - a devout man - is called from Caesarea to Joppa). What is unique about this situation?
Verses 10:9-16 (Peter sees heaven open up and the presentation of unclean foods). What does Peter do? (He puts the law ahead of the Lord).
Brant asks, “What is the irony here?”
God is telling Peter: “Who are you to challenge MY law?” Jews had fallen away by increasing the 10 Commandments to thousands of Levitical laws.
Verses 10:17-23 (Cornelius and Peter meet). Who were the men that Cornelius sent?
Verses 10:24-33 (Cornelius falls at Peter’s feet. They each share their recent revelation).
Verses 10:34-43 (Peter talks about Jesus and the resurrection).
Verses 10:44-48 (The Holy Spirit falls in BOTH Jews and Gentiles). Brant says this is the “Gentile Pentecost”.
How can you apply Acts 10 to your life? Answer: we can witness to ALL people.
Acts Chapter 10 (pptx)
Adelphi Class 1 24 21
Dr. Brant Wallace. Acts, continued
Brant starts with a review and the chapter by chapter description.
Today: A tale of two Apostles.
How does God work in your life?
Has he ever done unexpected things?
Have you ever had to defend your faith?
The class has some comments.
Acts 11: 1-18 (Peter is challenged for “eating with uncircumcised men.”)
Brant reads the passage and asks us “What is happening here”? While this shows the fulfillment of Isaiah, it also shows the transition from the Jews to the Gentiles and from Peter to Paul.
Verses 11:-19-26 (After the martyrdom of Stephen, believers were scattered as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch.) The name of believers changed from “The Way” to “Christians”. The class has some comments. How have Grace and Encouragement effected your life?
Verses 11:27-30 (Agabus predicts a famine; the faithful send support ). What does the Early Church tell us about giving amidst a crisis?
Acts 12:1-4 (Herod kills James and imprisons Peter).
Why are Christians arrested and persecuted - even today?
Verses 12:5-18 ( An Angel escorts Peter out of prison - What were the consequences?)
Have you ever experienced a miracle?
Verses 12:19-24, and 12:25 - 13:3
(The apostles are anointed)
Despise suffering and trials, God justly works through those around us and uses us for Christ.
Adelphi Class 1 31 21
Charles Pehl, guest teacher. Acts, continued
Acts 13 The First Missionary Journey
Verses 1-7. Charles shows a map of Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey, and gives a review of Paul as he goes to Antioch. God gives Paul permission to eat “unclean” animals. They travel to Cyprus, then Asia Minor, and then back the coast near Antioch.
Verses 8-12 (Paul confronts the magician Bar-Jesus, AKA Elymas)
Next, Acts 14 - Paul and Barnabas at Iconium and Lystra. Paul performs a miracle, is stoned. The disciples protect him.
Next, Acts 15:1-5. Circumcision is discussed. We review the Covenant between God and Israel. Charles also reviews the Jews as they are restored from exile in Babylon.
Now, Verses 6-29 - The First Council at Jerusalem. From the meeting , Judas (Barsabas) and Silas take a letter back to Antioch.
Next Verses 15:36-41 Paul’s Second Journey. Charles shows the map. They is a “sharp contention”, so Barnabas and Mark sail to Cyprus. Paul and Silas go through Syria and Cilicia. Charles says, “Salvation comes not through the law, but by Faith in Christ.”
There is no video this week, but you can see the Power Point slides and Charles' notes below:
Adelphi 31 Jan 2021 (pptx)
Adelphi Class 2 7 21
Charles Pehl, guest teacher Acts, continued
Charles gives us a review of Paul’s first missionary journey. Paul went on this journey because Barnabas asked him! You can see more information on Charles’ presentation slides.
Next Acts 15:1-5 (False Doctrine of Judaizers)
Acts 15:6-29 (The First Council at Jerusalem) This is approximately 50-55 AD.
Acts 15:36-41 (Paul’s Second Journey) Paul and Silas depart and Barnabas and Mark sailed to Cyprus - There must have been an argument. BUT, they are now preaching to more people!
Acts 16:1-4 (Paul and Timothy) Paul has Timothy circumcised - Why? Charles says because Paul is “practical” and not “spiritual”. Next, Paul goes to Europe and gets the first convert there. Who wrote Acts? Luke.
Charles shows a photo of current ruins at Philippi. Paul and Silas talk to Lydia and some other women. This is very important, since women had a lesser role at that time. Next, Paul upsets some Philippi businessmen by taking a spirit out of a local woman. Paul and Silas are then taken to the local magistrates and beaten and thrown into prison - in stocks. But, Paul and Silas were singing and praying when an earthquake opens the doors and unfastened their chains. The jailer is very upset until Paul calms him down. Then the jailer and his family are converted and saved. The jailer is now Paul’s brother in Christ. Next, Paul confronts the magistrates because he is a Roman citizen. Instead of leaving town immediately, Paul and Silas go to visit Lydia. What happens next? You’ll have to come to class next week in order to learn more!
There is no video this week, but you can see the Power Point slides and Charles' notes below:
Adelphi 7 Feb 2021 (pptx)
Adelphi Class 2-14-21
Dr. Brant Wallace, Acts, continued
Brant shows a review, and asks, “How do you relate to other people?”
Next, a controversial question from G. K. Chesterton. The class has some comments.
Acts 17:1-4 (traveling from eastern Greece to Thessalonica). Why does Luke include women in this section? Next, a map is the area.
Verses 17:5-9 (Some Jews were NOT persuaded and gathered a mob to attack the house of Jason)
Verses 17:10-15 (Paul and Silas went to Berea, BUT some Jews follow them to stir up the crowds) The Jews in Berea are one of few groups who receive Paul calmly. Brant shows a fresco painting.
Verses 17:16-21 (Paul is in Athens and is confronted by Epicurian and Stoic philosophers) Next, a review of Paul’s speech at Areopagus.
Verses 17:22-34 (Paul’s famous speech) Paul appeals to Athenian intellectuals. The class has some comments.
Next, a commentary on Paul’s speech. You can see the Power Point slide for details.
How can you apply Acts 17 to your life?
a) Meet people where they are.
b) Love people where they are.
Brant shows a cute Valentines graphic.
Adelphi Class 2-21-21
Dr. Brant Wallace, Acts continued
Brant shows the outline of Acts and asks, “How do you respond to fear, uncertainty and opposition”? The class has some comments.
Next, the map of Paul’s 2nd missionary journey, which was very long, especially by those standards.
Acts 18:1-4 (Paul finds Aquila, a Jewish tent maker). Why did Aquila and his wife Priscilla leave Rome?
Next, more about Corinth.
Verses 18:5-8 (Paul sees Jewish opposition, and says, “I will go to the Gentiles”. The class has some comments.
Verses 18:8-17 (Paul is brought before Gallio, proconsul of Achaia, but he would not judge Paul just because of his words). Next a fresco painting of this scene.
Verses 18:18-23 (Paul shaves is head at Cenchrea, goes to Ephesus, Antioch, Galatia, and Phrygia). Brant shows the map again so we can better understand Paul’s route.
Verses 18:24-28 (a Jew named Apollos comes to Ephesus). Aquila and Priscilla explain the way of God to Apollos. Brant shows some related paintings. Brant says Paul is training a core group to proclaim the Gospel.
How can you apply Acts 18 to our lives?
Brant highlights Acts 18:9
“Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.”
Adelphi Class 2/28/21
Dr. Brant Wallace, Acts, continued
Today, chapter 19 (Paul’s 3rd journey)
Brant asks us to think about “Repentance “. Brant asks, “Why is confessing our sins important?”
Is confession enough?
Next, How can someone repent, but still do whatever they want? The class has some comments.
Brant shows the map of Paul’s 3rd journey, and photos of the modern ruins of Ephesus.
Acts 19:1-10 (Paul finds some disciples in Ephesus) This journey took more than two years; Brant says time is relative here.
Next, a list of questions and comments about this section. You’ll want to read this list. The class has some comments.
Verses 19:11-20 (There are several Jewish exorcists, and the seven sons of Sceva are overpowered by the evil spirit) Brant asks if we believe in Miracles, Healings and Exorcism? The class has some comments.
Verses 19:21-27 (Paul goes to Macedonia). Demetrius, a silversmith who made shrines for Diana, organizes against Paul.
Verses 19:28-41 (The silversmiths start an uprising against Paul). The city clerk, Alexander defends Paul and his companions. Next, some written comments and a painting about this confrontation. More comments from the class. Does having power affect people? How can you apply Acts 19 to your life?
Adelphi Class 3-7-21
Dr. Brant Wallace Acts, continued
Acts, Chapter 20. Brant shows a map of Paul’s 3rd journey.
Is is always easy to make the right decision? Paul is walking into an impossible situation.
Acts 20:1-6 (Paul left for Macedonia). How many people accompanied Paul?
Next, Brant has a list of questions.
Verses 20:7-12 (Paul speaks until midnight). Then, Paul rescues Eutychus, who fell three floors and after saving Eutychus, Paul continued to speak until dawn. Brant asks why this event would be included in Acts? The class has some comments.
Verses 20:13-16 (Paul sails to Assos, Mitylene, Chios, Samos, Miletus). Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus, so he could be in Jerusalem for Pentecost. Do you make difficult decisions and lay aside yourself for God?
Verses 20:17-35 (Paul sends a message to Ephesus). Paul makes several strong statements; you’ll want to review this part of the lesson.
Verses 20:36-38 (Paul leaves).
What is the lesson of Acts 20?
Adelphi Class 3-14-21
Dr. Brant Wallace, Acts, continued
Today, Acts 21. Brant asks us to think about the word, “Witness”.
Next, How far are you willing to go?
Acts 21:1-6 (Paul sails to Cos, Rhodes, Patara, Phoenicia and Tyre.) Was this like a “Farewell Tour”? But the Spirit told Paul not to go to Jerusalem.
Verses 21:7-16 (Paul goes to Ptolemaic and then to Caesarea). People again tell Paul not to go to Jerusalem.
Who was Agabus? You will see him in Acts 11 and 21.
Verses 21:17-26 (Paul arrives in Jerusalem). Paul is told to undergo the rite of purification, which he does. Were there tensions in Jerusalem? The class has some comments. Do we still have tensions today?
Verses 21:27-36 (The Jews from Asia stir up the crowd). The crowd begins to beat Paul, but he is saved by the Tribune of the Cohort. But, the Tribune had to take Paul into the barracks to save him from the crowd. The class has some comments. Why was Paul arrested? Brant lists several reasons and explains some irony in this situation.
Verses 21:37-22:1 (Paul identifies himself as a Roman citizen and is allowed to address the crowd). The class has some comments.
Verses 22:2-38 (Paul’s sermon to the crowd). Paul addresses the crowd in Hebrew; they become more quiet. Paul describes his journey to Damascus and his encounter with the risen Jesus. What was Paul’s witness? What was Paul’s calling? How can you apply this to your life?
Trust in the Holy Spirit - Go and Witness no matter what the obstacles. Brant explains why the Jews were still angry at Paul, even after his testimony about seeing the risen Christ. The class has some comments.
Adelphi Class 3 21 21
Dr. Brant Wallace, Acts, continued
Brant shows the chapter by chapter outline, and gives a review from last week's lesson.
Brant speaks to God's support of Paul during his missionary journeys. "I am with you always."
Acts 22:23-30 (the Tribune examines Paul, but finds out Paul is a Roman citizen). Paul confronts the Pharisees. The class has some comments. Next, Paul before the Sanhedrin.
Verses 23:12-22 (Some Jews plan to ambush and kill Paul), But, the son of Paul's sister warns Paul.
Verses 23:23-35 (Two centurions and 200 soldiers escort Paul to Caesarea). Brant shows a map of the region. The class has some comments. Why did Paul survive even though many people told him not to go? Because he BELIEVED.
How do you apply this to your life? All that matters is God's presence... Will you believe and listen?
Adelphi class 3-28-21
Dr. Brant Wallace, Acts, continued
We look at the index of chapter topics.
From Stephen Covey: “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”
Acts 24:1-9 (The high priest Ananias and an attorney, Tertullus present their case against Paul to Felix the governor). Brant reviews how Paul got here. The class has some comments.
Verses 24:10-23 (Paul makes his defense). How did the governor Felix respond? One’s belief (or disbelief) in Jesus’ resurrection frames this.
Verses 24:24-27 (Felix and his wife Drusilla, a Jew, speak with Paul). What was the result? Brant reminds us that Paul’s family was in the tent making business, which would have been important to the Romans.
Verses 25:1-12 (We transition from Paul to Festus). Festus and Paul discuss a possible location for his trial. This leads to Paul being sent to Rome. Paul has gone from a favorable situation with Felix, to an unfavorable situation with Festus. Is this God’s way of sending Paul to different parts of the Roman Empire? How does God direct your life? The class has some comments.
Verses 25:13-22 (Festus brings Paul’s case before King Agrippa).
Verses 25:23-27 (Agrippa and Bernice visit the court proceedings with Paul and Festus). Brant says God is using a Gentile and a Jew in these proceedings. Brant asks, “Are two heads better than one?”
Next, a related scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12-28 (Comments and questions about the resurrection). These verses were written before Paul was in prison - which means his message was always consistent! Brant quotes Paul: “Oh death, where is your sting?”
Adelphi Class 4-4-21 Happy Easter
Dr. Brant Wallace Acts, continued
Brant asks, “What does it mean to believe?” Have you ever been called “crazy” for believing in Jesus as the risen savior?
Acts 26:1-11 (King Agrippa gives Paul permission to speak). Paul recounts his past.
Verses 26:12-18 (Jesus confronts Paul on the road to Damascus).
Verses 26:19-23 (Paul explains why the Jews seized him). Brant shows some etchings and paintings of what this scene may have looked like.
Verses 26:24-32 (Festus attacks Paul). “Too much learning is driving you insane!” Next, King Agrippa confronts Paul, to which Paul responds, I hope everyone becomes like me, except for these chains.
Verses 27:1-12 (They put Paul on a ship to Rome). They had a difficult voyage because of the weather and the season.
Verses 27:13-26 (The ship battles a northeaster). As the ship founders, Paul tells them there will be no loss of life, but they will have run a ground somewhere.
Verses 27:27-38 (After 14 days they approached some rocks and some sailors tried to escape). How many people were on the ship? Paul broke bread and gave thanks to God. Then, they threw wheat off the ship. What is the significance of throwing food off the ship at this time?
Verses 27:39-44 (The ship strikes a reef). The soldiers wanted to kill the prisoners, but who saved Paul, and why? Brant shows a map of Paul’s journey in the Mediterranean.
Brant says: “Until you DO what you believe in, you don’t know whether you believe in it or not.” Who made this quote? The class has some comments.
Adelphi Class 4-11-21
Dr. Brant Wallace. Acts, conclusion
Brant gives a review of the book of Acts. Brant says, “Don’t let a stumble in the road be the end of your journey.” Next a map of Paul’s journey to Rome. (Note: this is a one way journey).
Acts 28:1-10 (Paul in Malta; he survives a snake bite). Paul cures the father of a local leader, Publius. How does this healing change things? The class has some comments. Is this Faith, or Works? Brant shows drawings and modern photos of Malta.
We read Romans 8:35 ( Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?)
Verses 27:11-16 (Three months later they set sail for Rome). Paul was able to live by himself in Rome with a soldier guarding him. Next, drawings of Paul in Rome. But, Paul was still in chains. Brant asks, “What do you think the soldier saw?”
Verses 28:17-22 (Paul speaks to the local Jews). The local Jews haven’t heard anything bad about Paul and are open to hearing what Paul thinks. The class has some comments. Brant explains a couple of paintings.
Verses 28:23-29 (Paul testifies to the local Jews). Some were convinced while others refused to believe. Paul gives a quote from Isaiah. Next, Paul tells them that the Gentiles will listen. What did the Jews do?
Brant says Paul is setting the foundation of the church in Rome, which in turn affected the development of Western Civilization.
Verses 28:30-31 (Acts has an “open” ending) How can you apply Acts to your life?
Brant suggests we must continue onward.
Adelphi Class 4-18-21
Dr. Brant Wallace, James
Adelphi 4-25-21
Dr. Brant Wallace, James, continued
“Faith that Works”
Brant says that James is like a punch in the gut. It is practical instead of theological. We can’t EARN our salvation, but works come from our salvation. Works flow from Grace. James is writing mostly to Jews facing persecution.
Next an outline with several descriptions, and Brant shares this 8 minute video summary of James: https://youtu.be/qn-hLHWwRYY
Next, why do people avoid struggles? The class has some comments We discuss Wisdom in Trials. James 1:2-4 (Testing your faith)
Brant says God is moving us through our trials. James says, count it all as joy.
Verses 1:5-8 (God gives to all without reproach). Brant asks, “Do we really have control ?”
Verses 1:9-11 (What about the lowly and the rich?)
Brant gives us a list of questions, and asks, “How will you respond to problems?”
Will you chose Fear or Faith?https://immunotec.zoom.us/rec/share/Yto5A3vT_L6laDSj9HPPgTudFTC5hAjmmYk14TFEzSzpE2fhzvjWxilvrmtX_WRt.BX887Qp8agxW6kBW
Adelphi Class 5-2-21
Dr. Brant Wallace, James, continued
This week: Response & Practice
Last week we talked about our response to Trials. James was telling his audience to remember that God is with you during a trial. Brant shows the outline of James. What does “Be doers of the Word” mean? A class member says, “Head knowledge vs Heart knowledge”.
James 1:12-18 (Blessed is the man who endured temptation). A class member says, “Don’t blame God if you fall to temptation”. Brant says that temptations don’t come from God. Brant asks us, “What IS temptation?” Brant asks, “When is a temptation attractive?” Answer: When life is hard.
Brant says we need to check where our heart is: Is it aligned with Christ?
Next, a quote by N. T. Wright
Verses 1:16-18 (Every good gift is from God). Brant shares some supporting scriptures. Why does James “pause the discussion” about trials?
Verses 1:19-21 (Swift to hear - Slow to speak - Slow to wrath). Are you like this? Brant says, “Anger rests in the hearts of fools”.
Verses 1:22-25 (Be doers of the word and not hearers only). The class has some comments.
What is “The law of Liberty”? -- Brant says it is to love God and serve one another.
Verses 1:26-27 (What is pure and undefiled religion?)
Brant says, “Don’t miss your high calling”.
Adelphi Class 5 9 21
Dr. Brant Wallace. James, continued
Today: Relentless Faith
Brant gives a review and shows the printed outline. You’ll want to look at the list of topics. Brant asks the class to think what comes to mind when we hear the word, “Faith”.
James 2:1-11 (Who is faithful?) Brant reads the scripture; the class has some comments.
Brant asks, “What is the point?” The class has some comments.
Brant shares a quote by Sarah Hauser: “We must learn to see one another as humans created in the image of God - and for believers, we must treat each other as brothers and sisters in Christ - even in our differences and disagreements.” The class has some comments.
Verses 2:12-13 (Mercy triumphs over judgment). Does God excuse our sin or does He forgive our sin? Is it easy to show mercy?
Verses 2:14-17 (Faith without works).
Verses 2:18-20 (Faith without works vs Faith BY works).
Verses 2:21-26 (Abraham justified by works).
Brant says Grace saves us and Grace pushes us to Works.
Brant says the takeaway is: “Love one another.”
Adelphi Class, 5-16-21 Dr Brant Wallace, James, continued
The Letter of James Chapter 3.
“Words and Actions Matter”
In Chapter 3 James separates the wheat from the chaff, your words versus your actions.
James attempts to give us a compass to get through the storms of life.
Brant quoted and old proverb “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.” He then asked when the class first heard this. The general response was “in early childhood.” But words do have consequences. From experience, we know that they are powerful and that we should use them wisely. Words can negatively affect the mind.
As Christians, our speech should reflect positively on the kingdom of God. We need to check ourselves because our actions are an extension of our emotions. James offers the following advice in 2:19-20 “Let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger for the anger of man does not work the righteousness of god.” In Ephesians 4:29, Paul writes, “Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for edifying, as fits the occasion, that it may impart grace to those who hear.”
3:1-5 Brant discussed how a horse is controlled by a small bit in its mouth. In a similar analogy, a large ship is guided by a small rudder. So the tongue is a little member and boasts of great thing. How great a forest fire is set ablaze by a small fire?
3: 6-12 ...but no human being can tame the tongue...With it we bless the Lord and Father, with it we use to curse men, who are made in the likeness of God. James as the question: “Does a spring pour forth from the same opening fresh water and brackish? We must be aware of how we speak because we can change the world for good or evil.
3:13-18 But James gives us guidelines: ... By his good works let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition do not boast and be false to the truth. This wisdom ... is earthly, unspiritual, devilish. ... But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, ... the harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
Wisdom begins with a faith based on God’s word. Practice meekness and humility. Your resulting actions will shine.
Adelphi Class 5-23-21
Dr. Brant Wallace, James, continued
Faith contested and Faith contrasted.
Brant shows a drawing that gets a variety of responses from the class. What do you think?
James 4:1-5 (Where do wars and fights come from?). Why does prayer always help? The class has some comments.
Do you pray “correctly”?
Brant shows a photo with a caption: “Pride promoting strife”. What creates pride?
Verses 4:6-10 (God gives more grace). Resist the devil [yourself, since you are from the world] and draw near to God, so He will draw near to you. Are we double minded? Answer: Yes!
Brant asks us to think of the key word, which is...
Grace begets grace.
Verses 4:11-12 (Do not speak evil of each other). Brant says this is a transitional section of the chapter.
Verses 4:13-17 (Do you know what will happen tomorrow)?
What about “Trash talkers”?
Brant shows some drawings and says, “It’s not about how people treat us, rather how we treat people.”
Brant asks if we have a plan.
Adelphi Class 5 30 21
Dr. Brant Wallace, James, continued
This week, we finish James
Brant says the word for today’s lesson is, “Wait”.
Brant shows the outline; the last section says: “Waiting Faith”.
James 5:1-6 (corrupted riches)
The class discusses the difference between employment in Roman times and today.
Verses 5:7-8 (be patient for the coming of the Lord).
Verses 5:9-12 (Don’t grumble, rather listen to the prophets)
Verses 5:13-18 (Are you suffering or sick? Then pray).
James is saying that prayer is powerful.
Verses 5:19-20 (Turning a sinner back from the error of his ways).
Brant says there are good applications for our lives in this letter:
Patiently wait more, Serve more, Pray more.
Brant closes with a poem for Memorial Day. You’ll want to pause the video and read this.
Adelphi Class 6 6 21
Dr. Brant Wallace, Jude
Before class video; look for your classmates! https://vimeo.com/559760439
Opening hymn by Ben Brumlow https://vimeo.com/559760534
Opening prayer by Brant Wallace https://vimeo.com/559760590
Jude seems like a hard letter, but what is he really talking about?
First an outline. You can pause the video to take a look.
Next a drawing of Jude from the Bible project. You can follow along and see the progress of this drawing: https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/jude/
Jude 1-2 (Greeting). Jude calls himself the brother of James and servant of Jesus, even though he is also the brother of Jesus.
Next, two drawings of what Jude may have looked like.
Next, an outline of Person, Place and Time. Gnosticism places more emphasis on the Humanity of Jesus instead of the Divinity of Jesus. Also there is no geographical or date/place of the writing.
Brant shares the “central theme” of Jude.
Next, the Greeting. Notice the patterns of threes in Jude’s writing style.
Verses 3-4 (We already see “problems with flock” in the very early church). Next, a list about these false teachers.
Verses 5-7 (the Lord destroyed those who didn’t believe). The class has some comments. Next a drawing of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Verses 8-10 (the archangel Michael contends with the devil). But, people slander what they don’t understand.
Next a picture of an exploding light bulb. What does that mean?
Brant asks how we can apply Jude 1-10 to our lives? The class has some comments.
Brant says we don’t earn salvation.
Camcorder video (in class) https://vimeo.com/559760659
Brant's zoom recording:
Adelphi Class 6/13/21
Dr. Brant Wallace, Jude, continued
Continuing our study of Jude, what would Jude say about Grace vs Judgment? We live on the side of grace and in the grace of Christ that covers everyone. Jude would say there isn't a question of which; it is both.
Apostasy and Apostates: falling away and those who have fallen away. Jude uses apostates in connotation of people who have fallen away, returning to their carnal, pre-Christ lifestyles.
Vs 11-13: He refers to specific old testament people and specific Greek/Roman traditions.
Vs 14-16: Does this letter bring the Book of Revelation to mind> Jude points forward, prophetically towards the second coming of Christ. That is why this letter is placed immediately before Revelations in the bible.
Vs 17-23: Jude sends out a call to persevere. We are to continue to live in the faith and to be merciful to those who have slipped. Christ works through us to pull people back into the faith. There is more grace than judgment.
Vs 24-25: We are to step back, to rejoice in the presence of God.https://immunotec.zoom.us/rec/share/YvPEUfNLU5A-t8WJ_pluov8bkuIOdeHdhNhEL-6GfspFCN69DOEcugc4vw8EGkjQ.-hWTrHSppUmoO_XR
Adelphi Class 6-27-21 Dr. Brant Wallace, Grace
The Purpose of Grace is to-Equip Us for:
1) Salvation.
2) Doing the Work and Serving in Accordance with God's Call/ Word.Reconcile Us with God.
3) Help Us to Experience the Love, Joy, and Happiness of Christ.
4) Liberates us from Sin. Given its purpose and since it is an Irresistible and Amazing Free Gift, Grace Changes Everything.
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